KATHLEEN, Quince Años

in Photography Lovers3 years ago
Authored by @Rolando Li

Very good here community of photography lovers, after a time away from this platform, due to personal problems, today I greet you and send you a big hug from Cuba, I want to present you a job that we carried out very recently with a student dancer ,Kathleen, from the City of Santa Clara, a photo session for her fifteenth birthday, we live a little far away but she came to us because she liked the work we have been doing and thanks to social networks she found out about us, a curious anecdote happened the day in which to use scheduled the session, because I fractured the 5th metatarsal of the foot and we could not finish the session, we scheduled another day for the end of next month and well here I show you part of the work.

Muy buenas por acá comunidad de amantes de la fotografía, luego de un tiempo alejado de esta plataforma, por problemas personales, hoy les saludo y les mando un fuerte abrazo desde Cuba, quiero presentarles un trabajo que llevamos a cabo muy recientemente con una bailarina estudiante,Kathleen, de la Ciudad de Santa Clara, una sesión de fotos por sus quince Años, vivimos algo alejados pero acudió a nosotros porque le gusto el trabajo que venimos realizando y gracias a las redes sociales pues supo de nosotros, curiosa anécdota ocurre el día en que teníamos agendada la sesión, pues me fracturo el 5to metatarciano del pie y no pudimos terminar la sesión, agendamos otro día para finales del mes próximo y pues acá les muestro parte del trabajo.




We went to one of the theaters in our city and well, we carried out part of this beautiful photoshoot which we enjoyed very much, due to the physical qualities of the girl,

We went to several places, including the beach, and we managed to capture impressive moments of this beautiful photo session in the same way.

Nos fuimos para uno de los teatros de nuestra ciudad y pues llevamos acabo parte de este bello photoshooting el cual disfrutamos mucho, por las cualidades físicas de la chica,
Fuimos a varios lugares entre ellos a la playa y logramos plasmar de igual forma, momentos impresionantes de esta hermosa sesión de fotos



Family here we are back, I await your comments and any recommendations to be bringing more quality content to you and my clients every day, a greeting and a hug for each of the hivers present here.

Familia acá estamos de vuelta, Espero sus comentarios y alguna recomendación para estarles trayendo contenido de más calidad cada día a ustedes y a mis clientes, un saludo y un abrazo para cada uno de los hivers aquí presentes.


Incredibly beautiful shots my friend. Thanks for sharing! =)

Saludos amigo.. Un abrazodesde cuba

Greetings friend.. A hug from Cuba

The Hivebuzz proposal already got important support from the community. However, it lost its funding a few days ago and only needs a few more HP to get funded again.

May we ask you to support it so our team can continue its work this year?
You can do it on Peakd, ecency, or using HiveSigner.

Your support would be really appreciated.
Thank you!Dear @chinoli, we need your help!

Hive.blog / https://wallet.hive.blog/proposals