Lovely photos man! I want to kick this weather in the ass and out the door lol it’s not an enjoyable April that’s for sure!
Hope your wife will feel better with the specialist! It sounds like a tweak of her back with those shoulder issues for sure. Since it’s legal in Mass now, you might consider getting some cannabis cream for those aches. I have a small jar I got from one of the CBD stores and it does have THC in it, the stuff that gets you high but it doesn’t make you high like smoking it does at all, it takes the pain away incredibly! I use it on my wrist when that’s feeling shitty and it works amazing. It only helps with the wrist and I don’t get stoned like if I would smoke it lol. Food for thought!
Thanks and yes winter just wont let go just yet
a good idea with the cannabis cream we did have some before but it ran out a good time to pick up some more
Have a great day and weekend