A Fair Bit

Every year, just about the time the sun is the hottest, folks from all over the state converge on Louisville to try and have a fair time. For eleven days in August there's a giant shindig that goes by the name of the Kentucky State Fair.

Covid couldn't even stop it, the livestock show must go on! Wouldn't let me in in 2020 and I was out of town in 2017 but otherwise I've caught a fair bit of each one for the past decade or so.

Had a bit too much coffee today and pulled out one of my full hard drives, realized it had three years worth of state fair photos and got a bit carried away editing.

These are in rough chronological order, at least by year. In recent years I've been discovering the benefits of shooting the same places and things over and over again. Didn't really set out to shoot the state fair every year but it just sort of worked out that way.

Over time you get to see what has changed and what has remained the same. Noticed this year that the old 'shoot out the star with the automatic BB gun' game was nowhere to be found. You know we're screwed when the carnies go woke. Dammit, that was my favorite game too.

Also get to see how your photography has evolved over time if you keep coming back long enough. If nothing else it forces you to look for new ways of shooting things.

Do they have state fairs where you live? The one here in Kentucky has carnival rides, food, food, more food, arts & crafts, a flea market, shows, concerts, and a parking situation you could get lost in for days.

In other words, prime people watching and street photography.

If you don't get the shot you want one year, you can always come back and try again.

The 'flea market' area is always rather interesting. It's indoors, and with the August heat it's usually got a good crowd passing through. If you were to reduce all the infomercials on TV into 10' x 10' booths, that'd give you a pretty good notion of much of the flea market. The MyPillow guy always manages to snag a booth even.

Most of the rest of the booths feel like the analog ancestors of Temu. Everyone not named 'Mom' or 'Dad' was having a grand old time though.

Had to throw baseballs at a clown over that once. Had brought a friend's kid along for his first state fair visit and while his mother was riding a roller coaster I was left the 'responsible' adult. Dunking booth clown had a microphone and was talking shit at passers-by, kept calling me dad so they got to take my money.

Was worth five bucks. Put the first two into the cage in front of his face and dropped him in the tank with the third. Still not sure whether the kid or I was happier about this but we both enjoyed a good laugh.

Ever get to the point where you realize things have gone on a fair bit longer than you intended? Damn you coffee. Sweet, glorious coffee.

No refunds! Buy the ticket, take the trip, remember? This is Louisville after all. She's cool though, that's the AS SEEN ON TV Seafood Lady.

Sick of fair photos yet? Then head thataway. Don't worry, this is the last year of them for today.

Louisville has its own theme park, Kentucky Kingdom. It has always struck me as slightly peculiar and amusing that they set the carnival rides up in the parking lot of an actual theme park. Probably the only thing that makes Kentucky Kingdom seem inexpensive.

This is what you call having fun, kids. Everyone is having fun, right!?!

Hey, that's how I do my hair too!

You never can tell what people are going to do when they walk into your shot.

Always see this guy each year. He always looks that pleased with life too.

Pretty sure they thought I was taking photos for somebody, stopped me and asked for their photo to be taken. Never going to say no to that. For all the folks there, they were the only street portrait I managed.

This has gone on a fair bit longer than it probably should have, so I'll just wrap it up with one last photo.


I just love this post, cheerful and colorful with great shots. Well done

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it :)

I hope the grumpy looking balloon guy is just putting on an act, but he does look pretty funny 😂

I saw him again last year, looking just as grumpy :D

I like how eclectic this fair looks. The variety of photographic scenes gives me a good sense of being there. Though I'm sure it's way more fun to actually be there.

Eclectic, that's a good description :) It's a fun time for sure but it's also hot as hell, so photos are a much more comfortable way to enjoy it.

Looks like a very beautiful picture my friend

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