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RE: Fallen Leaf Prints

Just getting out and shooting is always the best way for me to get out of a creative funk. Been refusing to do that lately because it's cold and I'm still a bit miffed that summer is over.

Only six people in a week? Them's rookie numbers!


This is where I say that getting out in the cold is also a deterrent for me. I love autumn but I miss the heat of summer. Kind of grief it a bit every year.

Only six people in a week? Them's rookie numbers!

Well, I've reduced my average, which was a lot higher, up until 2013 when I left a major telecom. Less exposure to certain environments has totally trashed my average. Got any tips for me to increase that? Might create an internal policy conflict, but maybe I'll learn something new. 😂

Thanks @coloneljethro!

Yeah, as soon as the leaves have fallen and it gets cold I have to sulk a bit before I'm willing to go out and do shit again.

I feel ya, when I quit working in the service industry my average went to hell too. I've been antisocial for a while so my numbers still haven't made it back up. Pretty sure no matter what you do you're going to offend somebody so it's really just a numbers game, the more people you interact with the more you offend. Now if you're talking about intentionally offending people, that's mostly a matter of reading people and don't know as I can give tips on that.

Totally a numbers game, you're right there. Ha, if I intentionally offended people, I'd have a hundred percent success rate and can't say I've ever attempted that. 😂