Saturday Morning On The Sidewalk


Never volunteer for anything. Heard that bit of advice early and often growing up and took it to heart. Didn't break that rule until 2019 when I volunteered to be a clinic escort at the only abortion clinic in the state of Kentucky, EMW Women's Surgical Center. Ever since, just about every Saturday morning I can be found on the sidewalk outside of EMW.


Over the holidays I was explaining to someone what we do and their response was "Oh, like in the Juno movie? That stuff still happens?" Actually, most of my conversations about escorting involve some variation of 'that still happens?' which is why I'm writing this.


I've tried to write about this many times before but the insanity and the intensity of my experiences on the sidewalk make it difficult to revisit much less write about. Short of actual fighting I've never experienced anything as intense as being on the sidewalk.

All these photos are from this morning, which was comparatively mild as these things go. When it's wild I've usually got other things to worry about so unfortunately most of my photos are of the 'calmer' mornings.


So what are clinic escorts? We are a decentralized group of autonomous individuals who come together to empower ourselves and others. (I stole that from our website) Five days a week, Tuesday through Saturday we gather outside EMW around 0700 and for the next few hours assist those seeking to see the doctors at EMW.

Most of what we do consists of giving directions and company to clients of EMW. The clinic doesn't have parking so people seeking an abortion have to park and walk and the antis (anti-choice/forced birthers) take advantage of this to swarm, harass, and intimidate clients. When we spot a client we greet them and ask if they would like us to walk with them to EMW. If they say no, we warn the other escorts so that they don't bother them further. The overwhelming majority say yes, at which point we walk and talk and guide them until they get in the door of EMW.


Saturdays are the worst, sometimes the antis number in the hundreds. They like to line both sides of the street holding big ass signs like some medieval gauntlet or something lifted from the pages of the Scarlet Letter. In addition to these are the ones we call the chasers, mostly seminary students and Calvinist preachers who lurk in groups near likely parking spots and then follow clients from their car to the front door of the clinic.

The video above is from just before I started escorting but it should give you some idea of what a Saturday morning can be like.


Few things get my dander up more than bullying and there's no other word to describe the antis behavior than bullying. They love to get in our faces and talk shit, demand to know why we're even out there but we have a strict nonengagement policy so I've never got to tell them 'Because you're here'.

We have the nonengagement policy because it makes one of our other goals, de-escalation, a whole lot easier. Both antis and clients and their companions occasionally bring guns to the sidewalk so de-escalation can sometimes be a bit important. Until I experienced it for myself, I never would have though nonengagement and de-escalation would actually accomplish much but somehow we've so far avoided serious incident. Still, even with all that I've been punched, shoved, and threatened in more ways than I can count and my experience is by no means uncommon among the escorts.


I would love to take my nikon to the sidewalk but anything even vaguely resembling media tends to escalate things so I never have, all these were shot with my phone. Speaking of phones, the guy in the photo above with the microphone and the fake clinic behind him was giving out his phone number this morning in between ranting at clients and companions. If you would like to have a word with him or just let him know what you think of forced birthers, his name is Shane and his phone number is 507 626 0930.

That's enough of this stuff for one weekend, I will try to do semi regular posts about the goings on down on the sidewalk in the future, assuming Roe v Wade isn't overturned.

In the meantime, if you want to support abortion access in Kentucky (or just piss off some of the antis) you can donate to the Kentucky Health Justice Network (a 501c3) here. Just tell'em Jethro sent you, they'll know who it is.


I remember you writing about this escort thing before. It's such a cool thing to do, and it's admirable that you can hold your composure in the face of those asshole Christian bullies. If I tried to volunteer doing something like that I know I'd just end up putting people in the hospital. I'm so glad I escaped Christianity when I was younger.

Thanks for sharing pics even though you didn't have your Nikon to do it. Good stuff.


If I tried to volunteer doing something like that I know I'd just end up putting people in the hospital.

Hell, most of my life that's been the case. There was 14 years between when I first thought of volunteering and when I actually did and it likely took every bit of that for me to be able to pull that off. Even now it's still a near thing sometimes.


That's me in the camo hat, for the life of me I can't figure out how people think this is a good idea, much less what they expect to accomplish.

I bet, I'm lucky in that I didn't have to escape it, my family is just a bunch of heathens. We were surrounded by Pentecostals though, my home county didn't legalize alcohol sales until November of 2019.

Thank you.

Look at that nice man asking for directions. I hope he made it to the donut shop okay.


He never came back so I can only assume so.

Mindboggling. That's an important service you are providing. Kudos!

I'd known for a while that something was going on down at the clinic but it wasn't until I watched that video that I got an idea of what all that something entailed. Also what made me volunteer. Thank you!


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