Who's Next?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Quick, somebody tell the felon-in-chief. A little over a week ago, ICE agents arrested Columbia University graduate student Mahmoud Khalil. His crime? None.

Seems the current regime took exception to him protesting his homeland being laid to waste and his people massacred and decided to make an example of him. A lawful permanent resident with a green card and married to a US citizen, Khalil was effectively kidnapped from his own home by the Department of Homeland 'Security' goons and hauled more than a thousand miles away to Louisiana in what is looking more and more like a flagrant case of judge shopping.

Cancel culture at its finest, or as my old political science professors would put it, viewpoint discrimination. The implications though are far more sinister, a barely veiled threat to 'get in line or get deported.'

That ain't right. Here in Louisville, some of us don't take too kindly to such nonsense, and yesterday turned out in the Highlands to let that be known.

Recently read that the dotard wants to move the Declaration of Independence into the Oval Office. Might serve him well to read it, most especially that last sentence of the preamble.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.


Recently read that the dotard wants to move the Declaration of Independence into the Oval Office. Might serve him well to read it, most especially that last sentence of the preamble.

You assume he is literate. I have my doubts.

Next time you post something political related, tag it #politics. I bought a lot of VOTE and will be curating political posts with my @poor-richard account. Political Hive has too many far rightwing insanity spewing posts—far too few moderate or left ones. I'm trying to weed it a bit and promote the few that give a sensible viewpoint.

I'm certain he wouldn't be able to read it, English in 1776 was a wee bit different.

May just do that. Had always avoided it for that very reason, didn't need more QAnon in my life. Ha, love that account name!

me and booster are trying to counter the far right tendency there bud... I've been buying up the vote too. Balance is needed.

Now that could make for a pleasant change of pace. I have trouble not being political, might as well put my two cents in.

silence over speaking out against injustice.. its the new norm

Free speech is not a crime, and condemning the government of Israel is no more anti-Semitic than condemning the government of Great Britain is anglophobia. The first amendment isn't a grant of privilege, it is the recognition of a preexisting inherent human rights no based on geographic or political whims.
