Those German shepherds are very discipline dogs. I see them all the time at my work as we allow thier handlers to go through our terminal for training. They basically use these rubber coated ball like items and hide them all over. Some our explosive/drug scented and others arent. The dogs always find the correct one. They will point and kneel on their finds.
Also they are vicious at attacking. A dog can be panting and look happy than all of a sudden with one called out command by the handler the dog turns someone's worst nightmare.
I haven't seen much ground robotics as I work with the Air Force. I've seen drones and remote controlled aircraft and I can say they get used a lot. Interesting facts maybe you don't know is they are controlled by enlisted members. It amazes me that some can be controlled far far away from where there located.
It was hilarious hearing your account of the barking robot. I enjoyed the third round of this I hope I didn't miss one, lol. I'm sure there are many former veterans and current service members that would find this trilogy of articles you did interesting.
I know German shepherds are used a lot as service dogs as they are smart. And yes, they can be turned into a weapon, if the situation asks for it.
Yes, thee were drones here too, I'm going to post about those possibly in the upcoming week. This is the fourth post by the way, if you've seen three, then it seems you've missed one. But no worries, Hive is like a diary, you can always scroll back :)
Yes I scroll back when I get sometime. Just been pretty busy with real life.