I don't recall eating a breakfast one. This was a time they went from green bag to tan bag. Tan bag had more options. They had beef stew, spaghetti, ravioli/ meat sauce, ham & cheese with potatoes (can't think of name rn) and a few more. They had sides, and deserts. Sides were rice, corn, fruit, and others. Meal and some sides were heated using a heater that came with them. Just add water to heater bag and it got hot. Usually came with crackers, salt, pepper, and Tabasco sauce. Desert was cookie or pound cake. Sometimes candy but only remember M&M and Skittles. When we ate them we traded food with each other. I thought the cookies were nasty I took anyone willing to trade pound cake.
We use the powder from the heater put it in an empty bottle than pore water into and cap it. It would slowly expand the bottle until it popped. Oh the fun we had as GIs, lol.
Mobile kitchen we only had for breakfast. Scrambled eggs, fried potatoes, biscuits and gravy. I used what is called a mess kit to eat from. I have a couple of them I acquired and use them when I camp. I'll take pictures of it if you don't know what that is when I get home.
I can't even begin to imagine what it was like to survive on that food, but the army is not a luxury hotel.
When I was a kid and did not want to eat what we had for lunch, my grandmother always told me other would eat it gladly but they don't have such food. I was so mad at her 😂. She knew what she was saying as those were rough times.
I'm glad I didn't have to eat army food.
Thanks for the detailed reply, I really appreciate it. I know what mess kit is, although I have never had one. On the other hand I have my grandfather's flask that he used in the war.
No problem 😁 Oh yeah I have canteen too. Today I hear the MREs aren't bad. Some stores carry them even but don't think I'm going to pay high dollar to try one, lol.
Edit I actually know some food service people I could probably get some for free if I wanted to.
The question is, do you miss that food? I don't think so 😀
I miss the memories but not the taste of the food lol
I can imagine:)