Hey man, these are beautiful photo collections with interesting subjects !INDEED.
The most striking one was the Tower in Copenhagen. I find it the most interesting because I just really like architectural subjects for photography and the design of the tower looks like something that can only be seen in sci-fi movies. I looks exciting and it could launch/propel up to the space 😅
By the way, is the cactus fruit edible? It looks like something that can be eaten like a dragonfruit or something.
And then moving on to the end, the subset over your field looks beautifull. That’s a great way to end a photo post. Thanks for sharing 😊👍
Thank you. I usually post them in the LMAC Gallery as a public domain if anyone wants to use them. That tower in Copenhagen is beautiful to me, too; maybe its size is not obvious from the photo.
I don't know if the cactus fruits are edible, maybe I should try?
Yeah, I usually end my posts if I have a sunset photo.
Yeah but DYOR first 😅; and check for some thorns (the fine/small ones).
I remember your collage works; you have a unique take on collage. They're nice!
Haha, yes, I understand what you mean. I haven't checked (yet) what's going on with these cacti.
Yeah, I think LMAC Gallery is a good thing, especially if you have a lot of photos and not precisely what to do with them :)