This post will show you the construction of a medieval fortified castle that I visited in 2015 since many works have progressed well. He makes their own tool, their rope, their planks ...
This chateau under construction is located in France in the Burgundy region, this region is vast to better situate you it is located in the Yonne department. Guédelon departmental road 955 89520 Treigny.
GPS coordinates: lat. 47.581298 ° long. 3.155481 °
After all my photos you will also be able to find all the history of the construction that I translated to you in English as well as the link of the website of the castle to better understand the evolution of the construction.
Not having an internet speed and today enough time for the construction of the guedelon station I will present the castle to you today and on Wednesday I would try to present you some craftsman working around the castle of course in the old style
For the context it was raining intermittently, the traffic was difficult for us to walk in the mud which forced us to scratch our boots quite regularly. But I believe that its conditions have allowed us to immerse ourselves in the context of construction and allow us to move 500 years into the past.
You can see here the two towers and the wall of the building where the lord lived. look at the bottom right of the photo you see people looking at the walls of the castle
You can see here the two towers and the wall of the building where the lord lived. look at the bottom right of the photo you see people looking at the walls of the castle
You have a macon at work which assembles the stones cut on the enclosure of the castle a canvas of fabric was pulled to protect it from the rain. You can also see that he has clothes that were made by the weaver from the camp around the castle.
A closer view of the perimeter wall. All the pebbles the earth and bind them are made on site in the old fashioned way. No concrete mixer or jackhammers
A beautiful entry you can see the care taken for the cut stone
A big wheel not the one if it was not used as an object of torture but to raise heavy objects in height. The trees were cut with an ax and the planks were sawn by hand with the techniques of the time.
The large room which served as a meeting room and also for eating. When have seen the mockery of the castle to house such a small room lol. Imagine that only the fireplace heated this space and the room below where the baker was baking the bread.
Admire this work with the keystone well centered
A view from afar on the mounting of a perimeter wall
The principle of the wheel, several man or woman returned to the wheel and walked in order to turn the wheel and raise the heavy equipment. The demutiplication of the force made it possible to open less when it mounted heavy loads
The courtyard of the enclosure, here could be post the guards who lodged in tents or wooden huts as well as the horses.
The second tower under construction on the right you can guess a bridge which gives access to the castle
You will see several enlarged photos, this is a demonstration of the techniques used to mount a large cut stone
It is wrong to be very careful the worker has taken it several times before mounting it
You see in the wheel a man ready to walk to make it turn. Two men at the foot of the stone secured it with a hemp rope. Further in the picture at the top right there was a tool to punish thieves. Two wooden board with 3 holes, one for passing the blow and the other two for the hands. Imagine the position and the torture he could inflict
I enlarged the previous image in order to allow you to better see the manipulation
Two people upstairs waiting to receive this stone,
A third wheel above another tower is waiting to be used to lift loads
The Boulangé fireplace I would tell you that its been the worst time of the day. The bakers must have died very early from lung cancer at that time. When the bread oven was on its way to baking the smoke inside was unbearable. More smoke was coming out of the front door than through the fireplace; the walls were blackened with bistre.
The Ferris wheel of the tower seen from another angle
Imagined that the whole to the sewer did not exist but for the time it had toilets. Imagine in winter when it was minus 20 degrees. The buttocks lay on the ice stone. You can see the hole just under the big stone which allowed to evacuate in the moat
Other view of the castle allowing to better understand the construction
All original photos @Cyboule.
An artisan explained to me that he came from England on a benevola. If you want to participate in this great project contact them on the chateau website.
Like Here website overview
Chronology of work LINK Guedelon
I took the time to translate the entire construction timeline into English and you can by clicking on the link also see photos of this timeline
1997 - The work begins
In 1997, work began in the heart of this forest with a name that already sounds good: Guédelon. The site is not yet open to the public.
The first team, of around ten workers, begins the work:
preparation of the land to accommodate the future castle (clearing, loosening, cleaning ...),
construction of the first workshops and the reception barn to receive visitors,
establishment of the perimeter of the castle.
1998 - Guédelon opens to the public
The construction site opened to the public on May 1, 1998 in appalling weather.
the team of workers is reinforced by around twenty additional employees
elevation of the entire perimeter of the castle (towers and curtain walls) to 1 meter!
50,000 curious, questioning, passionate, incredulous, sometimes suspicious visitors ... came to visit our site from its first opening season.
1999-2000: workers bridge the gap!
continuation of the general elevation of the perimeter of the castle; little reminder: the curtain walls and the steep parts of the towers are more than 3 meters thick!
first "architect's repentance": on the south facade, the square corner towers are transformed into round towers
elevation of the west curtain to 3 meters
elevation of the tower of the chapel with the realization of the cistern in the basement closed in dome
elevation of the interior walls of the chapel tower room, masonry of the 3 archers and start of the 1st ribbed vault and size of the bases,
size and installation of the first steps of the spiral staircase of the tower of the chapel (small reminder: the first three steps are in ferruginous sandstone, the following in limestone. Sandstone is used on the lower part because it is less permeable to water than limestone),
masonry of the stone abutment of the dormant bridge,
the carpenters make and assemble the hanger in the tower of the chapel in order to receive the masonry of the vault
2001: the year of water in the castle!
completion of the cistern in the base of the chapel tower,
construction of the second cistern in the cellar of the main tower,
installation of the colossal monolithic coping of the well located in the courtyard, (Remember that this coping weighs nearly a ton and a half!)
assembly of the wooden pile and the decking of the fixed bridge,
general elevation of curtain walls.
2002: the castle's first ribbed vault
Big emotion in 2002 with the realization of the first major work of art: the ribbed vault of the tower of the chapel.
realization of the limestone vault composed of: 6 ribs each comprising a base and 8 segments and a key crowns the work,
installation of 24 steps of the spiral staircase of the chapel tower,
start of construction of the postern
the total perimeter of the castle reaches three meters in height.
2003: a second vault: a groin vault in the basement of the main tower
continuation of the masonry of the postern with the realization of the glacis,
loggers and carpenters make the arch intended to support the masonry of the groin vault (cellar of the main tower),
realization of the groin vault of the cellar in the main tower,
the carpenters make the two squirrel cages (= lifting equipment),
construction in the forest of the small complexion workshop: wooden frame house with mud walls and covered with tavaillons (= wooden tiles). This workshop has now become the rope factory
2004: the house emerges from the ground
start of construction of the stately home in the courtyard of the castle. The ground floor of the house is composed of the kitchen and a large cellar to store food. During this season, the workers set up the south wall, known as the “gutter”, the east gable on a cubit high (= 50 cm) and the 4 door passages of the house,
realization of the first steps of the big step (= external staircase giving access to the 1st floor of the house),
on the main tower, construction of the access door surmounted by a pointed arch and masonry of the 5 archers; elevation of the walls of the tower (walls 3 meters thick)
2005: a second ribbed vault
continuation of work on the stately home: the walls are 2 meters high,
the entrance door to the cellar, which is also the passage under the large step, has been masonry,
in the kitchen, starting the masonry of the fireplace,
the loggers and carpenters square the 6 huge oak beams that will support the floor of the 1st floor of the house,
on the ground floor of the main tower, masonry of the enormous ribbed vault in ferruginous sandstone: 6 ribs, 96 segments and 120 tonnes of stone and masonry in suspension!
In the fall of 2005, the main tower reached 10 meters in height, or about a third of its final height.
2006: the beams of the house are hoisted to the 1st floor of the house
the ground floor of the stately home has been completed. The walls are 4.20 meters high,
in the kitchen, the fireplace and its bread oven are finished,
in the cellar, 3 days (= small rectangular openings) equipped with forged grids were built to bring a little light in this vast room,
the high level receives its handrail made up of a molded stone ramp and its steps,
the 6 huge beams of the house of 800 kg each and 7 meters long were hoisted to the 1st floor of the house,
the loggers and carpenters built the lean-to which connects the tower of the chapel and the west gable of the house. This lean-to is entirely covered with tavaillons
*2007: the stately home rises
the work on the 1st floor of the house consists of a large room: the aula and a bedroom. The south facade of the house will have four twin limestone windows and one in the west gable,
start of work on the bedroom of the dwelling (room located above the kitchen) with the elevation of the east gable wall, the masonry of the 1st limestone twin window and the installation of the 4 windows of the aula,
on the main tower: continuation of the rampant staircase giving access to the 1st floor of the tower
raising of the perimeter of the main tower so as to reach the ground level of the 1st floor.
2008: the first frame trusses on the house are hoisted
on the stately home: In the aula, masonry of the 4 twin windows, including that of the west gable with a sculpted quatrefoil. Beginning of the masonry of the fireplace in the room of the house as well as that of the aula. End of the masonry on the east gable to accommodate the 1st frame farm: end of the 2008 season, the carpenters assembled the first elements of the frame. This "chevron forming truss" type frame will have a total of 47 oak trusses. 9 trusses above the chamber have been assembled; the lath laid and immediately the tiles were put in place.
on the north curtain wall: start of the rampart walk with the first battlements and merlons. Masonry of a corbelled latrine,
on the main tower: at the level of the seigneurial chamber, on the 1st floor, elevation of the perimeter of the tower of about 1m. Boot window with cushions and fireplace.
2009: the first chimneys are in service
on the stately home: the bedroom fireplace, its hood, its duct and its stump have been completed. The duct and the stump of the kitchen fireplace have also been masonry,
the carpenters cut, assembled and lifted two additional spans of frame. A bay was covered at the end of the season thanks to the tiles shaped and fired by the tile makers,
on the 1st floor of the main tower: in the seigneurial chamber, masonry of the window with cushions with its semicircular arch, masonry of the door and of the corridor leading to the rampart walk; the 1st archer and the latrine of the room are finished,
between the main tower and the rampart walkway north curtain, the carpenters cut and assembled the small covered passage,
on the east curtain wall: work interrupted since 2005 resumed in 2009 to raise it on the side of the main tower.
2010: the framework of the house is completed
the frames of the house are finished! The carpenters then completely covered the southern slope,
the masons raised part of the east curtain by more than 5 meters above the level of the courtyard,
on the main tower: the workers have started the masonry of the large ribbed vault which will cover the seigneurial chamber on the 1st floor; the stonemasons carved the 84 voussoirs and the keystone sculpted in limestone; the masons laid the bases, the springs and the counter-springs forming the start of the ribs of the vault; the carpenters assembled the wooden hanger that will support the voussoirs and the filling of the vault during its masonry,
the work on the chimney continued with the realization of the jambs, the size and the installation of the oak lintel and the masonry of the anchoring stones of the hood
2011: the most imposing of the vaults is in charge
this 2011 season was marked by the completion of the most imposing of the castle vaults on the 1st floor of the main tower. This is 150 tons of stones and mortar loaded with a thrust of about 25 tons on each of the 6 ribs!
2011 also marked the resumption of work on the second part of the curtain wall and on the corner tower to the east.
a new lifting device at Guédelon: the site, already equipped with two single-drum squirrel cages, this year hosted a very efficient double-drum squirrel cage. Installed directly on the masonry of the east curtain, this new lifting device made it possible to hoist the materials from the bottom of the ditch to the site of the ribbed vault, on the 1st floor of the main tower.
2012: the first murals
2012 is synonymous with colors in Guédelon! Some parts of the castle having been completed or in the process of being completed, new skills have appeared in Guédelon: wall paintings. The first tests were carried out in the bedroom adjoining the main living room. Inspired by the very beautiful paintings of the nearby Moutiers church, friezes and floral motifs adorn the walls, previously coated and whitewashed with whitewash. Other rooms of the castle will thus be decorated during the coming seasons.
At the same time, three teams worked simultaneously on:
the location of the octagonal room on the 2nd floor of the main tower
the masonry of the ground floor of the corner tower to the west
the realization of the dome and its oculus on the ground floor of the corner tower to the east
2013: the two towers ...
the workers resumed work on the flanking tower to the west by masking the entire ground floor of this tower equipped with three flanking archers. The ceiling of this room was covered by a wooden floor
the flanking tower to the east also gained height. This "twin" tower saw its first floor continue with the masonry of the two archers and the continuation of the spiral staircase leading to the rampart walk.
the rampart walk on the north curtain is finished!
on the stately home: on the ground floor, the walls of the chateau's kitchen have been covered with a whitewash providing this room with a lot of light. The floor was also finished with the laying of the pavement tiles.
on the main tower: work to raise the 2nd floor of this tower continued with the masonry of the perimeter, the door and corridor leading to the room and the first window with cushions
2014: they start the construction of the chapel
The workers have resumed work on the 1st floor of the chapel tower. This room, which houses the chapel, is the place where all the know-how present in Guédelon converges.
the masons raised the circular walls of the tower and implanted the tracery window and the three lancet windows
at the same time, they continued the spiral staircase, with the installation of 24 additional steps. This staircase, taken in the thickness of the tower, starts from the courtyard and serves the upper floors of the tower of the chapel.
the stonemasons made the liturgical sink
the carpenters made the wooden gallery which bypasses the chapel from the outside and which allows the guard to connect the rampart walk to the north to the west curtain. This corbelled passage is made from curved wood
at the end of the 2014 season, the tracery window, very ornate, is finished
2015: the vault of the chapel is completed
On the tower of the chapel: the stonemasons and the masons continued the room on the 1st floor: the chapel. They cut and assembled, bases, voussoirs, key ... to form the last vault of the castle, a pointed vault in pointed arches. They simultaneously completed the three lancet windows of this room.
The carpenters have completed the covering of the wooden gallery which bypasses this sacred space.
The quarrymen have extracted many blocks of sandstone from the quarry to supply the stonemasons and masons who will build the crenellated walkway overlooking the west curtain.
The masons laid on the floor of the aula, the 4,000 paving tiles molded and fired last season by the tile makers.
2016: a second rampart walk about to be completed!
The stonemasons and masons have almost completed all the battlements and merlons of the rampart walkway of the west curtain. Visitors can take this rampart walk and when we are at the foot of the curtain, another view of the castle emerges!
They closed the hall on the ground floor of the flanking tower to the west with a cupola.
The carpenters built a second bridge providing access to the courtyard of the castle in anticipation of the 2017 work on the gate towers which will condemn the dormant bridge.
2017: this season, we celebrated the 20th anniversary of the laying of the foundation stone
On the chapel tower: the first oak pieces of the frame have been squared.
On the door between two towers: the double-drum squirrel cage was installed on the fixed bridge to facilitate the work of the masons. The stonemasons have carved the first limestone steps of the staircase that will lead to a crenellated terrace.
On the main tower: paving tiles have been laid in the room on the ground floor.
2018: the first tower of the castle is crowned by its framework
On the tower of the chapel: the carpenters lifted the 265 pieces of the framework and thus crowned the first tower of Guédelon. The tile makers have started the production of trapezoidal tiles to cover this tower next season.
On the door between two towers, the stonemasons carved the bases and the first voussoirs of the vault of the first tower.
At the end of the season, a first window of the castle was obscured: a new example of experimental archeology carried out in Guédelon!
2019: the roof of the chapel tower is completed
On the tower of the chapel: the lathing and the roofing have been completed.
At the top, a peak in carved oak and coated with lead culminates.
On the door between two towers: the vaulted room of the first tower is finished and the second pointed arch was disheveled at the end of the season.
Find the chronology and the corresponding image on the chateau website using the link below
All original photos @Cyboule.
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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
Really great set. Pretty neat to see old world craftmanship still in work today.
Yes, an association of volunteers in love with history sets up a castle for us from scratch
This was really cool to see. I like the way that wheel looks in black and white. I have always loved castles and posts like this remind me why. Thanks for sharing with us your awesome photography and the information that goes with it. Great post.
Thank you for your message I hope to be able to return there one day. Wednesday or Thursday if I have time I will post the rest.
In addition, @castleberry in your username you have the word castle. I had not realized before doing my translation this report to the castle
Hahaha ... oui je le fais. C'est en fait mon vrai nom de famille, c'est donc probablement pourquoi j'aime les châteaux depuis que je suis enfant. J'avais l'habitude de les dessiner et j'avais de petites scènes de bataille. J'ai étudié les châteaux pendant un certain temps quand j'étais jeune. Les différents types de fortifications et les qualités défensives et offensives me fascinaient. Je ne pense pas avoir suffisamment étudié le processus de construction, comme le montre votre message ici. C'était donc bien de s'en souvenir.
J'espère que vous y retournerez bientôt et j'ai hâte de voir le reste des photos!
I will post the others very soon
Yay! 🤗
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