[ Saturated color ]

in Photography Lovers9 months ago

Hello everyone, I have been absent from the hive community for several weeks now. I drop by from time to time but at the moment I don't really have enough time to devote to photography and my graphic art. I have a few photos that I wanted to publish for a long time but for various reasons I couldn't do it and that's why I'm posting them today.

All the images were saturated or completely desaturated (the black and white one) I wanted to see how far I could go. The saturation fills the colors until, by modifying the image, you can no longer really see certain details. I realize that on sunsets it looks pretty good and can help compensate for what's missing in the image. When I take a photo my eyes often see more detail and saturated color than what the other camera renders, whether a smartphone or an SLR camera. Increasing the saturation adds the lack in the image. Without this saturation seen by my eyes I would not have taken the photo finding it too generic.

This photo was much warmer when I took it. But with a phone at hand the result was disappointing even though everything was going well in my eyes. This is why I had fun desaturating the photo to see it from another angle. Or under another eye

I find that this desaturated photo is much more beautiful and meaningful and gives an impression of greater rurality. The smartphone was not able to reproduce what I saw when I took a photo. In the end, the smartphone makes me miss moments of life that could be beautiful memories on photo paper. Afterwards I only have myself to blame because I didn't have my SLR with me.

We felt in this photo that the smartphone likes red and that the added saturation accentuates the defect generated by the device. For this time I like this smartphone which gave an image very close to what I saw at that moment. Take a photo for me is born from an emotion emitted by the splendor of an image that shines in the depths of my iris. Unfortunately the emotion is sometimes not captured and lost forever. Thank you for looking at my post and its few images and I wish you a nice weekend



What beautiful skies! Especially the last one! And I love that country atmosphere, so much peace and nature!😍

Thank you for your eloquent message, it’s a pleasure. I wish you a good weekend

Have a great weekend too!