Beckoning (2023)


Beckoning (2023)

Driving through New Zealand I’d occasionally look into the distance at the mountains & get super excited when I saw really nice light

This case wasn’t an exception so I saw the light, pulled over to the nearest spot I could & got out. What I saw though as I was heading up the hill for a better view was a big “DANGER SHOOTING - wallaby control work in progress, remain on formed tracks or avoid entry” sign

So I thought to myself, do I risk it for the biscuit or do I turn around?

I proceeded, except I flipped the alpine jacket I had on around so the neon yellow side was showing - I figured they wouldn’t shoot me if I didn’t bounce around too much

I’m glad I took the shots - what was happening was crazy winds pushing snow into the side of the mountains which in turn was getting lit up but the occasional break in the clouds

Amazing to see and worth the calculated risk!

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