
Well I personally believe everywhere has beauty if we just open our eyes to see it

Even in a couple of the countries I have been to where I saw such atrocities during and after wars and internal fighting, such as the Central African Republic, even though I saw things so shocking I would only ever talk about them with colleagues who were there or who have experienced similar, there was still beauty to be seen

I debate with myself about the watermark, but after a few times people stealing my photos I add it to all my online photos, all be it subtle and in the corner where I know people can easily remove it if they want to, but I just am in the habit of adding it now

Funny side story I recently had someone contact me that they printed my photo large and it looked terrible and saying i should send them the money they sent for printing it,
Now if they had brought a print and the quality was not good I would have been more than willing to recompensate them, but they didn't buy it, downloaded it from Farcebook and tried to print it large

Anyways have a super Sunday

They've been stealing your images and we're just now meeting?! Wtf! 👊🏼

Easy to remove. Sure. Keeps the bad people out.