Camping en el paraíso parte 1 / Camping in the paradise part 1

Hola amigos! Acompáñenme a revivir uno de los mejores viajes de mi vida / Hello friends! Join me to relive one of the best trips of my life.

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En el estado Aragua de Venezuela, se encuentra una bella Parroquia llamada Choroní que se caracteriza por sus hermosas playas y su población por su cálidez humana y hospitalidad. Fuimos a Choroni con el fin de conocer Cepe, una isla mágica y realmente hermosa y nuestro pensado era acampar un dia allí. Para llegar debíamos pasar unos 40 minutos en lancha mar adentro. Cabe destacar que esa iba a ser la primera vez que dormiria en una carpa. ///

In the Aragua state of Venezuela, there is a beautiful Parish called Choroní that is characterized by its beautiful beaches and its population for its human warmth and hospitality. We went to Choroni in order to get to know Cepe, a truly beautiful and magical island and our plan was to camp there one day. To get there we had to spend about 40 minutes by boat out to sea. It should be noted that this was going to be the first time I would sleep in a tent.

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Pasados esos 40 minutos llegamos al paraiso, Cepe, una isla con el agua cristalina, la arena dorada y suave. Al llegar buscamos un lugar con suficientes palmeras y un terreno plano para armar las carpas ; luego de eso almorzamos y nos preparamos para ir a explorar la isla, ya que nos habían dicho que habia una parte escondida que valía la pena conocer. ///

/// After those 40 minutes we arrived at the paradise, Cepe, an island with crystal clear water, golden and soft sand. Upon arrival we look for a place with enough palm trees and a flat ground to pitch the tents; After that we had lunch and got ready to go to explore the island, since we had been told that there was a hidden part that was worth knowing.

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A EXPLORAR! Conseguimos el camino hacia el mirador y puerto escondido, la verdad que el lugar sobrepasó las expectativas que tenía sobre él. ///

/// TO EXPLORE! We got the way to the viewpoint and hidden port, the truth that the place exceeded the expectations I had about it.

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