Hello Photography lovers..
Happy weekend.
I hope y'all are doing good.
Have you ever seen a picture or painting and it reminds you of something?
Happens to me a lot of times.
Growing up I always wanted to see what a rainbow looked like in real life.
I'd read in the Bible that a rainbow was God's promise that he won't destroy the world with the flood again.
I was intrigued by the colours.
I'd seen it in pictures and paintings but the Child i was wanted to see the real thing.
I remember the first time I saw a rainbow,i went over the moon ,i called all my friends in boarding school then to come out and see it.
Some people were not excited as i was because they had seen it countless times but it didn't stop my own excitement,i sat and watched until the rainbow disappeared into the skies.
When I got to read some science textbooks i figured out how a rainbow is formed through the process of refraction.
I know by now one would think that I'd have gotten over that excitement when I see rainbows but i haven't,i still feel as excited as when I first saw it.
As I walked down the street i looked up to the sky and saw rainbows , my battery was low ,it didn't deter me to take
it out and take this amazing shot.
I'm such a big lover of colours, and the rainbow is just a perfect blend of that.
I hope y'all have a colourful week ahead
Thank you for reading through.
It's a beautiful rainbow 🌈
Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @sahi1. Keep spreading love through ecency
Thank you so much
very beautiful