
For the most part I do not geotag locations online. Main exception is national or provincial parks that have systems in place to control the amount of visitors. This lake is only accessible by helicopter but even with that barrier I would rather not blast the location out all over the web.

Really nice shot and location!
I get not sharing the location. Though if one really wants to know the location, it's pretty easy to find. By using your photo it took me 1 minute to find out the location😋. Sorry, I had to do it since it came up.

Yes it's quite easy to find and no need to be sorry! But most people won't bother to do that. Otherwise I wouldn't post the image to social media at all haha. Like I said, my issue is not with sharing the location but simply with having the potential for a location to go viral. These places cannot support a rush of visitors.

I bet it was a fantastic experience!

It was very special!

Except for the bugs. I have yet to be to a mountain location in Canada with worse bugs than this place. Hundreds would swarm us while out shooting, even landing all over the camera and lens.

That would be annoying. It's annoying enough when you have to deal with rain, let alone bug swarms.

It's funny because we were actually hoping for rain 😂 It would have made for nice atmosphere when it cleared. The summer was so dry!