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RE: Wasteland - Streams of Waste Part 2

Do you have any idea if it's possible to watch this documentary online?

Fashion is such a con, on so many levels. From environment depletion, through slave work and overpriced branding ending with all these "help" programs with used clothes. As for "job-generation" isn't it exactly opposite? I heard about situations that local industries were killed by free shippings of used low quality goods from the "1st world".

Appearence of microplastics in geological sediment of current times is one of the key features that will allow future geologists distinguish layers from antropocene. And it was just few days ago when I visited my grandma's grave, it's that time in Poland we visit graveyards en masse and I had this reflection that plastic flowers, which are so popular have this sad and ironic symbolism there.


I tried searching online. Looks like documentary video is just a small part of a major movement. You could search "The Nest Collective- Return to Sender". Most of the websites I found only have info blogs but sadly I couldn't find the video.

That is an argument one of the speakers in the video mentioned. Mitumba and fast fashion has killed more jibs and dissolved more industries in Kenya and neighbouring countries, contrary to the pretense of creating them.

Rest in peace, Grandma.
I can see the irony in the plastic flowers.
It is very sad at the same time.