I had no idea that Bucharest was built on a seismic zone. Where there any earthquakes recently? I mean in the last hundred or so years..
I've been to Bucharest a couple of times and I remember that there were indeed way too many cars. I think it's a problem in many old cities where there are more and more cars and no places to park. It's a nightmare to live in the old towns when you own a car 😊
Great post!
It is an active area, with the epicenter in the Carpathian Mountains, in Vrancea (region). 150 km away from Bucharest. Earthquakes greater than 7 Richter occur with a regularity of 50 years, with plus or minus variations, of course. The most recent earthquake was on 4 March 1977. There were 2000 deaths.
The previous one was in the 1940s. Unfortunately, it's getting close to the time for the next one and we're not feeling well at all. I remember with horror the earthquake of 77, I lived on the 5th floor. The block moved for almost a minute. As you might suspect, the block held and didn't collapse.
I know you were in Bucharest, I think you mentioned you went with the job.
In a former communist country, when cars were just a dream, after the transition to a democratic society, everyone wanted cars. We couldn't afford new cars so we bought everything from the West, used. That's how we got this huge number of cars.
Thank you, dear @delishtreats. Great to see you again!