So many memories

I can't wait for all of this COVID stuff to go away. I am itching to go out and travel again. The last big place that I went to was when my wife and I went to Thailand for Steemfest. It was my wife's first time out of the country and it was so great to be able to travel with her and make memories together.

This was the view from our hotel in Bangkok. It was our first views of this awesome city. We had so many great times here, from exploring the back alleys, riding the boat to the different venues and visiting the different temples in the city.

Wat Saket or The Temple of the Golden Mount was such a cool place. It was a temple at the top of a manmade hill and you had to climb up about 300 steps to get to the top and the whole climb is decorated with so many cool things to see.

One of the coolest things about traveling the world is being able to experience the different cultures.

It was so awesome to see so many cool places while we were there. We really enjoyed the different temples that we went to and I just wish that we were able to spend more time there so we could see more of them.

Another great thing about traveling is getting to try the food. Thailand has some of the best food in the world and the street food is on a whole nother level.

I am not a fan of seafood, but it sure does look cool and make pretty cool pictures. When I lived in Korea, I tried the squid on a stick and I did not like it at all.

This little dessert dish was awesome. It was like a fruit omelet with sweetened condensed milk drizzled on the top of it. The first time we had it was from a vendor at one of the temples and after that, we had to get one from just about every vendor we saw making them. It was the perfect snack for while you were on the go.

The place where we had the OCD Art Show had some pretty awesome coffee and desserts. That was where I got my first taste of durian fruit ice cream and it was awesome. After that, everywhere we went, I was on the look out for some fresh durian fruit. My wife thought it smelled horrible but I thought it was pretty good.

Riding in the tuk tuks was also a super fun experience. It was a cheap and fun way to get around the city and riding in them at night was super cool. It was a lot of fun whizzing around the city weaving in and out of the traffic.

There was so much to do in Bangkok while we were there. We went to so many different temples and tried to see as much as we could.

The reclining Buddha at Wat Pho was a really cool site. This thing was massive.

All of the temples had such cool intricate designs. I wonder how long some of these took to build and how many people worked on them.

After about 5 days in Bangkok, we decided to head to Pattaya for the beach and spent the remainder of our time there.

The night we got to Pattaya was the annual lantern festival. My wife and I had always dreamed of seeing this in person and we had no clue that we would get to spend the night on the beach during the festival.

It was such an amazing experience. The next time we visit Thailand, we are going to plan our trip around the same time and go to the lantern festival in Chiang Mai. I wish that we could have spent some time in Chiang Mai because that is my dream home. One day we are hoping to move to Thailand for a while and live there.

One of the coolest places we went while in Thailand was the Sanctuary of Truth. It is a massive temple build completely out of wood.
The sanctuary is perhaps best described as a monument to Thai craftsmanship, with its stunningly detailed carvings of elephants, people and scenes, creatures and deities from mythology. They pay homage to and are a reflection of the Ancient Vision of Earth, Ancient Knowledge and Eastern Philosophy and they adorn every single surface – both inside and out – of the building. They are also a reflection of the fleeting nature and ceaseless toil of human existence because none of the wood is treated or protected from the elements, meaning that older parts gradually succumb to the rigours of the weather and climate and need to be replaced. The construction of the sanctuary, which began in 1981, is an on-going, never-ending task. source

There was so many awesome things to see there at the Sanctuary of Truth. It will be cool to go there again with the kids so they can see everything.

Thailand was such an amazing place. Hopefully we can all get back to some resemblance of normal again soon. My wife and I are ready to get back out there and see the world.
Looks like an amazing time! Dude while I was in Yosemite, it was like old times. Yes we had to wear a mask, but in certain places like the pools,the bar, and inside the park, it was just a great gathering of humans having a great time, with no worries of a virus. What I’m really saying, you may not go overseas, but California is open again! You should maybe plan a trip to one of the many places we have, except LA, stay away from that shit hole 😂
I have wanted to go to Yosemite for a while. It looks so awesome. My wife and I were talking about a trip to California to go to Disneyland again. We haven't been there in almost 10 years now. Guess we will take the grandkids one day.
These are some excellent shots. I like that one photo of the monkeys. My lady has been there before and she said it's super cheap and the food is awesome. I will have to see about getting out that way at some point once we can all get out and about again. Awesome post bro.
Thanks man. Thailand is awesome and the food is the best. The first night we were there we got some soup and I ordered mine spicy because I always get Thai spicy here in the US. It was probably like 10 times hotter there. It was still delicious
What an incredible trip and memory you show us, I also hope that all this covid is over so we can continue doing our routine normally.
Me too man. There are so many awesome places to see in this world.
So many things about this post got me hyped. The temples, food, tuk tuks, beach, and lanterns. I’ve always wanted to go to Thailand, but I’ve yet to venture further then the Caribbean and Texas.
Why weren’t you able to visit Chiang Mai and spend more time in Thailand? I know it’s an affordable place to go. Was it kids? Work? Or something random?
I hope we have an in person Hive-Fest that is in another cool place.
You should definitely try and go one day. It is such an awesome place. We weren't able to go to Chiang Mai because we didn't have the time. We spent about 12 days total in Thailand between Bangkok and Pattaya. So next time we go, we will be going back to Pattaya and then Chiang Mai. We also want to go to Phuket.
It really is hard to go anywhere for longer than a couple weeks.
Moving is the optimum choice to be able to fully get to know and explore a place.
Some great pics mate; love the took took ones.
Very fine pictures. I'm as keen as you to travel again but there is no way. Very interesting the temple of wood. Reminded me of the cathedral of Honfleur in France which is of wood too:
Hola impresionantes fotos, espero algun dia tener esa misma experiencia de viaje.
Saludos desde Venezuela