Dusty is getting more adventurous

in Photography Lovers4 years ago


Photo by me

Little fluff ball


Dusty is still pretty nervous each time that he goes outside. So Keiichi came out with him earlier today to teach him that it will be fine. We no longer have Luna at our home, so he is the baby in the home and is learning from all of the other cats.


Photo by me

About a week ago, we gave Luna back to my daughter's boyfriend because she was having so much trouble with litter box training and eating. She needed to be back home with her mom so that she can get milk from her and learn from her. 7 cats with 3 of them being kittens was getting to be a lot to handle, especially when one of them was not eating right or using the litter box.


Photo by me

So without Luna, we thought that Dusty would have a hard time, but he has adapted very well to her being gone. Keiichi has taken more of a big brother role and has been cuddling with him and coming to his aid when he needs it.


Photo by me

Before I brought Keiichi out to be with Dusty, he was just sitting in the same spot and refused to move, but after Keiichi came up to him and showed him that you are supposed to walk around in the grass, Dusty started to explore a lot more.


Photo by me

My grass is a bit long, so maybe that was one of the reasons why Dusty didn't want to move around. It isn't too hot here yet, so I have to mow my lawn every couple days, where as when it heats up, I have to mow about every 6 days or so.


Photo by me

I wish my neighbors didn't have dogs so I could let more of the cats outside. Franky always wants to come out and if anyone else is out back, he just sits at the window and whines.


Photo by me

Franky is a total opposite of Dusty when it comes to being outside. If I have Franky out back, I can't have any of the other cats because he goes all over the place. One of these days I am going to have to just bring all the cats outside and see what they all do. I am sure they will have a blast, but they will be crazy.


Your cats are so cute. Love the yellowish one .

Thanks. That one is Keiichi. He is huge and acts like a big brother to all the other ones.

Lovely cats and amazing shots.
Thanks for your sharing. I love it ❤️

Thank you. They are a lot of fun.

Cute kitten.
I remember when my boy had about a year and he didn't want to move on the grass either if it was too big :)

Ya, cats are weird sometimes.

Dusty is getting big, he is almost the same size as Keiichi, as he grows he is learning new things, and all thanks to the rest of your pets.

lol, Dusty isnt even close to the same size as Keiichi right now. Keiichi is massive and weighs about 17 pounds while Dusty is about 1 pound.