This spring has been amazing so far

The weather lately has been great. It has stayed a bit cool and we have had some decent rain storms. One our favorite things to do is to go on walks in the evening and last night's walk was pretty magical.

We had a pretty large storm rolling in as we headed out on our walk. We weren't sure if we would make it around our normal loop before the rain hit us, but we wanted to head out and watch the storm as it got closer.

There was so much rain coming down on the lake in the distance.

The clouds during these storms are always so cool to look at. The lighting is always so perfect because the clouds act like a huge softbox for the sun.

As we got closer to our home, the clouds started to get darker, which meant the storm was getting stronger and closer. We knew we had to step it up and hurry or else we were gonna get soaked.

I wonder how cool the view was up there in the plane. I bet they were having a shaky flight through all those storms.

I never noticed how massive the trees in our backyard were.

As we got back into our yard, the wind started to pick up and it began blowing the flower petals off the trees. It was such a magical experience.

This walk was one of the coolest experiences we have had while on our walks. I am glad that we decided to take the longer way to get home and finish in the backyard so we could experience the petals being blown off the trees. It was like our little Marshal was letting us know that everything is going to be ok. It was a moment that we will cherish forever.
The view is really great, man. The snowy mountains behind the city remind me of a movie scene. At first I thought the flower petals were snow and I was surprised because it's already scorching hot here. We officially skipped spring and summer is here lol.
Lately as we have gone out on our walks, the lighting is so cool that it really does feel like we are on a movie set. That sucks that it is so hot there for you already. Hopefully you get a break from the scorching heat and get some good rain storms. I am wondering how hot it is going to get here this summer since we had such a great winter.
Yeah that's the big question. My family in village still using stove because it's still cold there.
Beautiful spring, finally! Also whenever i see those mountain, i get skyrim flash backs.
The landscape, especially the grass. I have never seen something so uniform, it feels like a windows 7 background. Props to the folks who mows the lawn.
*Sees the snow falling.
BRUH its already may,14. Im melting within this Tropical heat. Over 30-degrees and hovering around 80% humidity.
(Rest in Peace Marshal)
At least you have the ocean to jump into when it gets too hot. I am hoping to be able to visit the Philippines one day.
I don't know if I should say that you are very lucky to live in that kind of area.
That place is so beautiful
I love it!!!
Thank you. It really is a beautiful place to live.
Such a beautiful area, And dude those last shots really are something else!!
Thanks man. It really was such a cool experience
No weather is "bad weather", well, unless there are real damages or injuries that result from them, that is. That aside, "bad" is our attitude towards the weather. I haven't always been successful, but I'm getting better at "seeing the beauty in," particularly in respect to weather and what many (most) would classify as "unwanted" or "bad" weather. I have to say, it's a pleasant experience to feel bliss in the face of literal dark clouds.
I love weather like this. Most people hate when it is storming and we get rain, but the rains cleanse everything and bring life. It really is awesome to go out and appreciate this weather.
As they say, cloudy days is good weather for photographers
So true. I love this weather for taking photos.
it a wonderful moment I really admire those pictures 😍
Ya welcome man. Enjoy ya day 🤡
this is an extraordinary view that you display, I am amazed to see these very beautiful photos.
Thank you for stopping by.