It's in the eyes

in Photography Lovers5 years ago


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

It's in the eyes


I took this shot of Keiichi today as he was staring at the birds in the backyard. He gets super focused and starts to make some goofy chirping noises. Then he wiggles his little butt before he pounces towards them. He never catches them though.

Maybe one of these days he will...


BEER Hey @derangedvisions, here is a little bit of from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

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I think you love your cat very much and adore as a family. That's why you take most of the cature of your lovely cat.❤

I love all of my pets. They are awesome and a part of the family just like the humans.

Sounds like he's learning to become a "fearless hunter!" As all good cats do... after a fashion.
