Well they had fun

Keiichi always wants to go hang out in the backyard. So I wanted to have him show Frankenstein how much fun he could have back there, so I brought Frankenstein and Rusty out there with him.

At first Franky just sat there looking around, but then he saw Rusty running around and he started exploring.

It's been a while since Rusty has been outside because he is usually chilling on my bed. Once it warms up a bit more, I will be bringing them out back to play all the time.

Franky led the exploration expedition and Rusty was close behind him.

They both gave each other some courage to explore further out into the yard than they have before.

Franky was exploring areas that neither Rusty or Keiichi have gone.

Rusty has never been up on the rock ledge and was pretty scared about it.

Luckily Franky doesn't seem to be scared of anything.

Rusty and Franky played on the rocks for a bit. Up until they tried to climb into the bushes where the dogs pee.

I had to be a party pooper and get them away from the bushes because I didn't feel like having them smell log old dog piss.

I think it is safe to say that Franky had a great time in the backyard. This little guy has no fear and will probably be getting into all sorts of stuff as he gets older.

He is such a fun little cat and I am glad that all the other cats are really getting along with him now.
i really love the colours on this photos! Which program did you use for the editing?
Thanks. I use Lightroom to edit my photos.
Its my main photo edit app to:)
They look like group stalkers! That look in their eye is keen.
They were stalking bugs
Your cats are too beautiful, but, I have a doubt: How do you differentiate Keiichi and Rusty? I'm nearsighted, so maybe I can't tell them apart because of my poor vision. Do you have any pictures of them together?
Rusty is fluffy and Keiichi has shorter hair. Keiichi also has a rounder face and a button nose.
Franky is beautiful, he is brave and strong, apparently he likes adventure, franky will prove to others that being small will not stop him from being brave.
Thanks man. I think Franky is going to be a handful soon because he has no fear.
We love to see it
Your cats are so damn cute and soft! You're a bad ass on the lens as well! Great photos!
Great shots of the homies 😺😉
What a cuties! Got mine also . 7 plus more to come!
Excelentes tomas @derangedvisions, eres un muy buen fotógrafo y tus modelos son en extremo hermosos, me agrada percibir en los comentarios de cada foto el amor y el cuidado que les ofreces. Saludos y éxito!
Thank you