My cats are weird

If your cats are anything like mine, they are obsessed with running water. They have gotten spoiled and will sometimes only drink from a running water source.

Sammy is the most spoiled when it comes to this. He will wait by the bathroom door when he is thirsty and meow for us to open the door and turn the sink on so he can get a drink. The other cats know that the bathroom is his domain, so they leave him alone when he is in there because he can get a bit grumpy when they invade his space.

The kitchen sink is another story. This is a free for all, and Sammy tends to stay away from it when the other cats are nearby.

When I turn the water on in here, Rusty and Keiichi come running and jump up to play in the water, making Sammy go off to pout somewhere.

Rusty is a weirdo and won't drink the water like a normal cat. Instead he gets his paw wet and then licks the water off his paw.
These pictures were taken with a Canon 5D Mark IV and a Canon 50mm f/1.2 lens and edited in Adobe Lightroom. Thank you for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed the pictures of my weirdos.
We have 2 ginger cats and yes, they sit in the edge of the lotuspond endlessly fascinated by the water. In oir Asian bathroom with the wet floor, it is SO FUNNY to watch them trying to come in but avoiding wet sots on the tile!! Great post!!
Bit surprised you didnt post this in the #caturday community - soooo many cat lovers on Hive! 🐱
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I forgot all about that community and what day it was. I need to start remembering it because I love taking pictures of my weirdos.
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Looks like my baby
tokens.Red cats are weird, I have too a ginger cat and he he's really weird xD
Your cat looks just like my Keiichi.
tokens.Pretty cute!
Thanks homie
tokens.Beautiful companions. The last picture is the best.
Thank you. I like that one the most as well.
tokens.Great photos!
Lovely photos!
My cats could not care less for running water, they seem to be interested in whatever it is I do - but did not yet seem to be interested when I wash something. Maybe it is because they are still babies? (appx 5 months old)
Your cats sound like they are going to grow up to be awesome. My cats always like to be around us as well, which is fun because most people's cats just ignore everyone.
Lol, my cat is pretty much the same. Drinks from a sink every day I brush my teeth. Also when he drinks from a normal bowl he makes a paw wet and licks it. He also don't like the bowl being next to a wall. He drags it in the middle of the kitchen 😂.
I have heard that cats have a hard time seeing still water in bowls, and that is why they dip their paws in it to make it move around. Sometimes my cats make huge messes by just dipping their paws in the water bowl and then flicking water all over the place.
this is perrrrrrfect :D
I have 1 reflection of my cat. To bad she isn't here any more.
Wonderful moments.