Beach Street Photography?

Street photography is basically candid photography, but is it still called street photography when you are on the beach? While in Mexico, my wife and I spent a lot of time at the beach relaxing and it was always cool to see how much is going on there between vendors trying to make a living, people offering me cocaine and weed, or just people chilling with their friends and family.

We needed to get some souvenirs for our kids and their significant others while we were there, but we didn't feel like spending $20 or more for t-shirts from the shops. I was surprised by how expensive things were there, but Cabo is a major tourist area, so people will pay those prices. Luckily we found this lady and her adorable little girl selling their handmade bracelets on the beach.

The bracelets were $10 each, but I was able to get 5 of them for $40. I am sure I could have haggled the price down even further, but I didn't mind paying a bit extra for these because they were pretty cool.

There were musicians going up and down the beach all day long trying to get the men to buy songs for their women. It was nice listening to the music when others bought different songs, but it isn't anything that my wife and I were interested in.

These dudes here were chilling there for hours drinking some liquor and every now and then they would light up a joint that smelled so good. I think next time we visit Cabo, I am going to have to get some weed for the beach because it was so relaxing there and being a bit stoned would have been amazing.

This dude was collecting plastic and glass that I am sure he sells off for some extra cash.

Good thing I was able to get a shot of this beer bottle in the sand before he picked it up.
Looks like such a nice area and awesome shots
Thanks. It was pretty much impossible to take a bad photo there, lol.
Ohh I am sure many would get bad photos there lol
LOL. Probably, but you would have to try pretty hard to.
Maybe but you have the eye for framing photos 👍🙂👍
Wonderful photos!!!
The bottle photo is pretty cool, if I see a bottle on the beach the last thing that would cross my mind is to take a picture of it, lol.
Nice pics as always homie
Thanks man. Once you have been taking photos for a while, you start to think of ways to make normal looking things look cool and are always trying to find a good way to frame the world and take a photo.
In all i can say the picture here are fantastic.
Being a bit stoned in the beach is the best feeling ever, especially when you go and take a swim, the temperature of the water and the pushing of waves feel aaawesome.
Great pictures! What colors were the bracelets you picked?
Ya, I think I am going to definitely try that next time. We ended up getting just about one of each of them so my kids could choose what they wanted.
The post is so amazing and very good! I'm excited the photo, I like your ideas.. Good shoots