She finally went outside

Sophie is our oldest cat and she is about 10 years old now. Her entire life has been spent indoors and she was always so scared of venturing out into the backyard.

A few days ago while my wife and I were sitting on the back porch, Sophie came to the backdoor and waited for us to open it. When we did, she cautiously stepped outside and began sniffing around.

I had tried to bring her outside before. The last time I was holding her and tried to bring her outside, she got so scared and she pissed all over me. So I guess she was finally ready to face her fears and see why Rusty and Keiichi love being out back.

Rusty and the dogs were out back with us as well. Rusty began showing her all over the back and where she can hide when the dogs start getting too rowdy.

Rusty has always been fond of going outside and exploring. He takes his time and sniffs everything. One of his favorite things to do is to chase the bugs around.

It is nice that my backyard is becoming a sanctuary and safe place for all of our cats to explore. Now we just need to convince the old man Sammy that he would like it outside.
I also have two cats and I am thinking of taking them for a walk in a few days. Both cats looks so cute.
I bet your cats would love it.
Yeah both are so cute.
Our oldest — she's 16 now — is just not even interested in "outside" anymore... she prefers to spend her golden years on soft blankets in sunny spots... inside.
Lovely photos!
Sophie usually loves spending time lounging in the sun as well. Either in the sun or sleeping in my lap.
Exploring is extremely important for cats. I have no idea why she gave that up. My girlfriend's cat in particular is very keen to go out. Even though they live on the 4th floor, she jumps up to the window and makes them nervous all the time. I hope Sophie conquers her fears completely and enjoys exploring the garden.
Sophie is starting to live exploring. I think it’s cause we have been spending more time outside and she is getting more comfortable laying on the deck with us while we are outside.
Sophie is gorgeous. Those blue eyes are so intense. Shame man, it's so cool that she finally got the courage after a decade, that's no small feat. I wonder why she was so scared previously. Nice that she had a full on tour by her buds.
My poor old cat is getting on now, she's 17 and only really goes out in the early morning for about half an hour, then she gets back on the bed and sleeps through the rest of the day.
Thanks. I bet your old cat has had some pretty fun adventures in the past 17 years.
She sure does, she's been everywhere with me. I was looking at pictures of her today as a kitten, can't believe she was ever that small! They are amazing animals to walk through life with, I know you feel the same about Sophie. 🐈
Me encanta 😊😍 el gato de la última foto sus hermosos ojos 💙😰 azules parece un 🐅 lince.
Thanks. She is my little fur baby.
your cats look cute. i have a cat as well and i want to take him on walks but it looks like he doesnt want lol.
Taking cats on walks would be a lot of fun
Wow Sophie, 10 years is a long time take that first trip. May you enjoy many more years of sniffing!
Thanks. They get really blue outside in the sunshine.