The alien world of weed

in Photography Lovers2 years ago


As my gorilla glue gets closer and closer to being ready for harvest, I have to look closer at the trichomes to see when they are at a point that I want to begin the next step. Gorilla Glue is a balanced 50/50 hybrid, but sometimes they are closer to a 60/40 split with them being just a little bit more indica heavy.

Since there is more of a sativa influence in this strain, I want to ensure that I have a nice balanced high and not one that can get too crazy in the brain, so I will be making sure that I have a nice mixture of amber colored trichomes and milky trichomes.

My bubblegum that I harvested in my last grow was harvested too early and there were barely any amber trichomes and there were still a lot of clear trichomes. This resulted in some pretty intense head effects and not as much of a body high that I prefer. Instead of a nice relaxing high that melts pain away, it gave more of a confusing high and a racing brain that I was not a fan of.

I love taking macro shots of my buds in this stage because the little trichomes look like plants on an alien world. The amount of zoom I am able to get and crop in with my macro lens is pretty cool. Then with the added effect from my speedlite gives them a really cool and interesting look.

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I love the macro shots! These girls are looking better and better every post, and I personally can't wait to see how much you get from the harvest!

Thanks man. I am glad that my gorilla glue is doing so good. I have wanted to try this strain for a while and I am glad it is almost ready.

Are you going to have the levels tested or anything? I'm curious to know the THC percentage on these girls, and honestly, I can only hope that mine will turn out half as good as these look!

I'm glad you finally get a chance to grow this strain, and hope you get a good harvest from it! Are you going to clone it or anything?

Nah, I am not going to do any testing. I don’t even know how much it cost to do any of that. These are all autos, so I can’t get clones from them. I prefer autos because I can grow them pretty fast and see what strains I like most.

I was wondering how much that cost actually haha because that would be my same issue lol. And oh ok, I didn't know that! I'll have to keep a lookout for some autos myself!


It is almost time. These are going to be awesome

This plant looks very suspicious. It is alive! There is definitely something going on in there that even a macro lens cannot see.

It would be cool to be able to zoom in even closer and photograph things.

I don't know much about it as I don't use it and it's illegal in my country. but, as for your photography skills, you've some killer skills.

That sucks it is still illegal there. There are so many health benefits to it.

So many awesome shots. Fabulous

Thanks man. I appreciate it.

Very great shots! That is one gorgeous flower

Such detail and colour! I love the film-like edits as well. May I ask which device you used to take those photos?

I use a Canon 5D Mark IV, Canon Speedlite and a Canon 100mm f/2.8 with extension tubes.

Ahaaaa. You're in pro territory 🙌🏾

Ya, I guess I am

My attention is drawn to the dewdrop-like fur that is so cool 👍

Ya, they look so cool up close

Woow.. it's amazing


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It feels like I am looking into some alien plants 😲 I can imagine that the transparent tentacle moving and looking for its prey. All are awesome series of macro photos.

Can I know what gear that you used to take this photos and the settings? Thank you so much for sharing this.

I use a Canon 5D Mark IV, Canon Speedlite and a Canon 100mm f/2.8 with extension tubes.

I see, thanks for the info my friend. :)