Titus is in heaven out there

We finally got our first snow storm that started yesterday. It may snow a bit more throughout the day today, but I am not sure how much we are going to get. We were supposed to get about 6-8 inches, but it is a lot less than that. Probably only like 2 inches.

But Titus doesn't care. He loves any amount of snow that we get. He just loves being outside in the cold and running around in the fresh snow.

My dogs are weird and have little pathways that they use to get around the backyard. So when Titus is walking around, even in the snow, he stays to his pathways that he is used to. Hopefully we get a lot more snow in the near future so that he and Harley can play in some of the deeper snow. Titus loves the deep fluffy snow.

Harley isn't as big of a fan of the snow as Titus is. Titus tries to get him to play and run around, but Harley usually ignores him. I think that Harley gets scared because he can't see where he is walking.

Titus loves it though and zooms all over the place.

Harley is more content to just sit back and watch Titus play. He is like a wise old man.

Thanks for checking out my post. I am trying a new editing style for winter to really make the photos have more of a cold feeling to them. I hope that you liked them.
Titus and Harley remind me of a relationship when a group of people go out, say the beach or a picnic. One type is active and excited to run around and play, while the other just sits seriously and watches other activities. Not sure if they're wiser but they must be happy too
lol. That is basically like my wife and I when we go anywhere.
They are great actions shots and not sure what you did, but, I got a chill watching Titus dive through the snow. Dogs are creatures of habit, aren't they? Making a path and continuing to walk it, even though they can not see it.
My aunt has a husky that she got this year and I expect that they will be pretty surprised when their quiet dog gets hyper with the impending snow coming their way!
Ya. Huskies can be super dramatic dogs. I am sure their dog is a handful.
The editing worked, the photos do give the "it is definetely cold there" vibes. Titus is such a cool name for a dog, quite unique I would say!
Thank you. I am glad the new editing style worked. Titus says “Thanks for stopping by.”
Awww cute fluffy thing I would so squeeze him like a teddy bear😅😅 fluffy things are always irresistable squeeze magnets
Titus is loving it for sure! Nice shots, like always!
Ya. He loves the cold and the snow. It is so hard to get him inside sometimes.
Nice shots, what camera are you using?
Thanks. I use a Canon 5D Mark IV. For these shots, I used my 100mm f/2.8.
Your dogs are really cute. Whenever I see cute dogs I usually wish I had mine but I’m scared of dogs 🤣🤣🤣
Thank you. That sucks that you are scared of dogs. Mine are just fluffy balls of love though.
Awwwwn. They look it, they are just so adorable
So much love and joy in just a few pictures!
Thanks. They really are full of love and joy, especially Titus this time of year.
Happy dogs...can't get any better. The pics came out great.
Thanks. I am glad that you like them.
Hi @derangedvisions. Great shot, I love your dog because I pet him too.
Thanks homie
Youre welcome @derangedvisions
Your dog is so damn photogenic!
Really nice photos that you take!
Thanks man. Sometimes he is good for photos. Other times he just ignores me or makes really weird faces.
cant help but to be a cute puppy tho! no wiping that off his face!
Titus definitely is in heaven ! the snow is where he belongs and his expression says it all. I also like the last shot, it has that wintery vibe more than the others.
Ya, Titus is really loving this weather right now. Harley is not a fan, lol.
That's one happy pup in his element!
Really great shots.
Thanks man. I appreciate it
Beautiful dogs. Kudos to the photographer.
Thank you.
Nice picture 👍👍👍
Thank you
That one pic with the dog running is awsome. Also the first one looks like a something or someone is about to get chased. The dogs breath on point.
Your dogs are beautiful, and you took really good pics of them. It shows how Titus enjoys the snow 😁
a beautiful dog, really
Nice pics and I love the way you tell the story also 👏
Manual selection by @qwerrie.
Aw, i really love those dogs.
Nice shots
beautiful dogs! My dog's never seen snow before, but hopefully one day.