So weird

Dusty has been getting bigger each day, but he is also getting goofier each day as well.

His eyes aren't as crossed as they were before, but they are still pretty funny. This little dude is a furball full of energy though and he is usually play fighting with the other cats.

He is super curious and is always getting into something. He has done really well adapting to all the other animals and is getting a lot more independent each day. Luna is still having some problems with potty training and eating hard food, but Dusty is doing great.

After he finishes eating, he usually has a fat belly and it seems like he has doubled in weight.

@therealflaws says that Dusty is ugly, but we still love him. This little goofball has stolen our hearts from day one.
OMG! He is so NOT ugly!! That little guy is so precious and the facial expression on his kitty mug is precious, plus, you must be a pretty good photographer because the pictures are awesome!!!
I love it!
Thanks. I don't think he is ugly either. But I can't convince @therealflaws that he isn't ugly.
:)) The cat is photogenic. Wait until you make big bucks from the television commercials, H
tokens.Thank you for the engagement tokens
I <3 this kitten :)
I this kitten too...
Glad to see he is growing so quickly, but that cover pic.. I may not be able to sleep well today
When a exlusive post about the beautiful and amazing Luna? She deserves it
Luna will get a post of her own when her face isn't covered in milk all the time.
Oh, she's just as goofy as her brother, how cute
Aww, what a beautiful little furry boy! 😍 He steals anyone's heart with that little face! The pictures are great!
Thanks. He is a lot of fun with all the other cats.
Those blues eyes are incredible💙.
Thank you
very fun !BEER
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How long do you take those beautiful pictures? I haven't been able to take a decent picture of my cats, they always come out blurry.
All your pets are so photogenic, even Dusty Goofy is so beautiful ! 😁 ...or is it that you are a great photographer ? 🤔 😊
Hey friend, our people here hate cat talk more of having one. But this particular one I'm seeing from your end looks so beautiful.
Oh! I want to hug that little beautiful kitty!