Hii guys I am back with new article post
Firstofall I want to say thanks a lot to support me
Your one like inspires me to write new post on it
I am glad that you guys like I'll give my best to give good or factfull content atall . at the end keep supportive keep following
This religion is all monothesthic which was found in 15th century in a area of punjab . Establishment by guru nanak ji by 10 guru. It was through the teachings of the Guru
Sikh religion is dependent on humanity, love , equality.
If you want to identify a person is sikh religion or not there are some things you he to notice
1.Pag on the head they did not cut their hair
2.hard metal wear in the hand
3.kirpan- The short sword that bears justice
That's all guys if you are more curious you have to search AALL ABOUT SIKH RELIGION on any platform like gemini , chatgpt chrome, twitter etc....
Yesterday I visited to national heritage bangla sahib it was built in 16th century memory of 8th guru HARI KRISHN JI when aurangjeb has invited him to check how much strength he have
If you have curiosity to study new things then you are more smart than 78%population of the world
When I reach near the entering gate no. 3 a huge big sign i had seen . At that time I didn't know about that after reading some article i find it is gurudwara of baba sahib for example - christian goes to church, muslim goes to masjid , hindu goes to temple as similarly punjabi goes to gurudwara
There are some rule to go in the heritage
- Place your shoes/slippers in outside area
- Tow your head with clothes
Optional - if you are eating langar do not food left in your thali - Photography/videography not allowed officially
If you can follow these rule them you can enter here .
There is a place here where you can eat a full meal every day for 365 days, completely free of cost—0 rupees—without any discrimination. Whether someone is rich or poor, dark or fair, it doesn't matter. This is one of the great things about the Indian Hindu religion—there is no difference. I even clicked a photo of my plate while eating.
There is a place here where you can eat a full meal every day for 365 days, completely free of cost—0 rupees—without any discrimination. Whether someone is rich or poor, dark or fair, it doesn't matter. This is one of the great things about the Indian Hindu religion—there is no difference. I even clicked a photo of my plate while eating.
Here is all the history of baba hari kishan ji by 3D painting on wall how he came here why it was made who made this what he think that he had to build it
In the museum, there is an old plaque from the 16th century on which Baba Saheb used to sit. It beautifully explains on the wall how he made people understand, comforted them, taught them how to fight, and many other things. Seeing it fills one with pride.
One piece here only ~
If i rate this place out of 10 is 9.9 😁