
What's up guys here I am back with some photography style and techniques and also uses colour grading format that enhances beauty
In a nearby park I don't find big and beautiful flowers but I think If I tell you about indian species of tree it sounds like buy 1 get 1 free ( content+entertainment/ knowledge)
I went there and click some nature photography
Here are some pictures:)
The tree which is full of flowers is looks good and beautician Sometimes, empty things look better than the filled ones, and with a black and white filter, they become even more beautiful.

if i tell you that without any flower how it looks like with my style ⬇️


The picture are at different angles



And, now I'll show you that the tree which is fully available or done with leaves and flowers see here to see👇


I know you love both of them but if we compare between them black and white picture is more good than other 🙂
everyone want vitamin D for their better/ good health but if light come through the shrubs how it looks like accidentally I click the picture see here 👇


After that I started thinking about colour grading which helps us to managing brightness or darken pictures that gives us more detailed information about that
Here I'll show you small example of colours grading which helps me too enhances my pictures👇


This is type of before and after image
Now, you can see the beauty of editting
This is not good editing because I am just an beginner of colour grading trying to give my 100% of my own
Telling this behind colour grading is just an simple mindset is like.y audience have right to know that what I do in my pictures

It helps me to edit image where I want

There the different type of tree with different shapes and roundness but this one of the tree that makes me happy 😁
And that instance
The shape is like parabola mouth at the ground side
some leaves are on the shrubs which covers whole of them that's give a different view from other of one
"I loved it"
You also love it 😍


Now I get the content it's time to fulfill the promises
Previous as I tell you content+entertainment/knowledge
The story of banyan
I am so glad to tell you that there are some species of tree which found in India near me they have lifeline of 500 to 600 years. in a my park that tree found there , according to botanists (the department who measures height according to condition and its lifespan ) this tree is around 400 years old it means that 4 memeber of family passed away (1 members=80 year) approx.
As I know there is a tree which is around 5000 years old which is called THE GREAT BANYAN TREE in howrah and akshaya vat in kurukshetra

This tree is not only different from lifespan but also for its ability
Compare and contrast
Average tree
1.It have very vast species these tree did not produce oxygen in night because they need sunlight.

  1. Oxygen production is also based on years of lifespan. the tree average tree have around 300 years
    Banyan tree:)
    1.These trees can live 7000 years but at oldest tree we find was 5000 years old in kurukshetra
  2. Banyan tree are able to produce oxygen in night because they have special ability for that one
    You know which one is better from other

See here⬇️


This tree is around 400 year old
Which is so massble

" As we know "
When the sun sets, the light that comes out from behind looks so good, as if someone is standing with a torch lit, and at the same time if a big light comes on, then how it looks, let's see


These trees on the sides with lights in the middle look so beautiful.
***Your support inspire me for next post

Dear audience,
The nature photography is not just capturing Pictures it's about creating awareness in society it about to see the world with the lens ✨ it's our responsibility to stop cutting trees for our greed we have to stop this for your reminder
A single photo can make think before cutting tree
"If nature awake we slept for whole life"

As photographer we have power to capture beauty and tell to whole world
So that they do not cut the tree

"Keep clicking keep exploring 🙂 "