Photography for Techno


What is Techno? To me its industrial, its synthetic, its made by human kind. Its not organic, it doesn't stem from nature. Its machinery, its heavy, its steel work and factories. Its cold, unforgiving and unyielding. It is Techno. It is it's own thing, and will not be redefined.

I wanted to take a photo of my idealistic Techno record cover photo. So I was walking through an industrial part of London, and as flippant as it was to say "oh there's some steelworked girders, better turn that black and white and you've got a Techno record cover photo", I think I've hit the nail on the proverbial head!

This photo perfectly describes what Techno is to me. And whatever noun enters your head about this photo, you could even tag to even the most minimal of Techno music. By themselves, these girders ARE minimal techno. The girders are the very minimum a structure needs to stand, the bare bones of industry, much like minimal Techno can just be the bare bones of textures and timbres.

So I present to you, my visual representation of Techno Music.


Don't we remember the early 90s, this new music in the background... This is Tecno!

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James your posts are always so different and thoughtful and therefore interesting!

Really interesting about what artwork represents Techno. For me this particular one seems a little bit much to represent minimal techno - as it's actually quite a complex steel girder. But this is way way subjective of course! I like the idea of looking for photos and 'real life' to use for album artwork for sure - I will have to start bearing that in mind when I'm out and about!

For some of my earlier streams I was doing them in the building works of what would become our house extension and every week building some kind of set out of whatever the builders had left around. I quite liked that building site aesthetic for my modular electronic music anyway - and would definitely consider trying to recreate this with a real building site or industrial setting for a future stream or video!

Not a great picture but here's an idea...

Live Stream 4 Close up.png



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