The last of the ice and snow on the shore before today's melt

Beachcombing in Freezing weather

Yesterday morning I still went for my daily beachcomb. It was 7F, which is quite cold, luckily there was no wind. Today, we're to hit 50F but rather windy.


On icy or snowy days my beachcombing is often gathering 'pictures' more than physical items. Tho, sometimes a frozen bit of seaweed or a particular rock draws me in and goes into my pocket.

Brillant blue of saltwater icicles dripping from the big boulder

This was a good 'treasure' to 'collect' as I am always fascinated by the ice made from the sea water. The tide was up, early morning, late night, and with the icy cold temps, as it receded to low tide, the drip and fall of the ocean water still clung and froze.

I call this Nature's shaved ice
Along the waterling in the dead seagrass as the tide goes out the waves slide in and out , freeze quickly , float up and then gets battered again, making this thin magical shaved ice.

The sound of this ice is part of the music of this place

I freely admit to taking off my gloves and letting it fall through my cold bare hands. It's so light and delicate, like old pages of ancient texts, crumbling in the hands of an earnest archaeologist.

Iced pools in the pools below the big rocks
The recesses next to the big rocks, always great place to watch various fish in the warmth of Summer, make pretty pools as the tide is trapped and freezes, then a slow wave slides in and mixes it all up.

Barnacles, seeweed, and the flotsam and jetsam of dead seagrass play in the movement of the frozen tide.
I love these little secret pools that form as there is always good 'treasure' to find, be it photographic or physical.

The crunch of a wellie on frozen sea and dead seagrass echoes in the silence of a February morning
I love how these bits of sea freeze up and mingle with the last of the snow and break into pieces that look like "crazy paving" in the garden. It's like a temporary garden path of 'iced paving' to walk up. Crunch Crunch Squish it goes and onward I follow my blue shadows along the iced cold February shore.

I hope you enjoyed the freezing little beachcomb with me today. I wish for you a moment to relish your own environment and find a moment of joy no matter where you happen to be.

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Ice photography always catches my attention, in my country there is no snow or ice, only on very high peaks, so I love looking at this so beautiful for me.

Wow, 7°F is a temperature for my freezer, not the beach!
Now I understand what you meant by

in such a different type of beach

This is totally different from what I am used to. Beautiful to look at, but I don't think I could survive over there :)