NatGeo Wild By My Window Sill 📷

in Photography Lovers7 months ago


I've always nursed the desire to shoot wildlife of some sort either for fun or pastime or professionally.
Well, for obvious reasons, seeing that I work a 9-5 job and still do professional cinematography, it becomes an adjuct that may be difficult to achieve.

I shoot on Lumix MFT cameras and currently shoot a Lumix GH6. However, I combine it with the old cheap lenses I used to use on my GH4. The farthest lens I have is about 200mm at it's maximum (35-100mm MFT), so I pretty much stick to how far it can stretch if trying to attempt shooting wildlife.

Nevertheless, nature perhaps sometimes brings some wishes to you.

I sat by the table at my Window sill a few days back, going through undone work I had to finish.

As I was about finishing, I raised my head and looked through my window. My eyes caught some movement on fence juspt adjacent my window at some distance. Lo and behold, it was a monitor lizard quietly creeping on the fence just beside the window.

I looked at it at close range and knew it could hardly define that I was behind the window.

This was my opportunity!
I quietly took my camera out of my bag placed the lens in and pointed the canat it just in time to take some images.
It paused long enough for me to get some shots through the window.




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However when I tried to open my door and peek closer to get a closer look, it ran off at lightning speed.

Well, at least I got my shots!

What breed of monitor lizard is this by the way??🤔


CameraLumix GH6
Lens35-100mm f3.5 to 5.6 Lumix G-Vario MFT lens
EditingLightroom for Android
All pictures taken by me.

Follow me on IG/Tiktok for more:


Damn at first I thought it was big and also that you're literally 2ft apart from the window haha. The lizard just casually shows itself. 🤣 Good thing you were able to capture that, I've seen them too and they are fast af!

It wouldn't even let me get close. The advantage I had was that I was shooting from indoors through the window. So there was little or no apparent movement.
I was also using a zoom lens, so I could stand off a little distance away from the window.

Once it saw me show myself, even at a good distance, it wouldn't even wait.

I similarly captured a snake recently and had the same experience.
I would take good shots through the window, but it scampers off at any slight sight of me.

At least you know they'd stay tf away from you cos they're scared and not get too close that they become a threat. Hopefully that wasn't a venomous snake 😅

Nah it was one of those green grass snakes. They aren't venomous as far as I know.