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RE: Sublime and Beautiful Sunday

good morning weretwin. not sure why - but the beauty here makes me want to cry this morning. hehe

oh... i just had a thought! maybe its because I've been trapped under so much snow! i mean - snow really can be so beautiful too - but then it does get very old and very much like a prison. and prisons are rarely beautiful hehehehe

and seeing your images here - just make me long to be free! and see color again.

you know - there is some show coming out soon - i think on netflix? where 2 people have to live in a white room for 40 days. andthen they will win some jackpot. but they don't realize that when they sign up - its not just a white room - they have to eat colorless food, and tastless too.. and their clothes and everything - without any stimulation.

and i guess that is a way to go crazy??? so it's like a psychological thriller! hehehe

and i am certainly not living THAT extreme of a life hahahaha but you know - i've been trying to eat MORE flavorful and colorful things since being trapped... i wonder if thati s the body's way of resisting the lack of color??? hmmmm wow - hehehe

well all of this is very intriguing now and you might have even inspired a post on it!!!! LOLOLOLOLOL

but yes - color is powerful. and flavor and beauty!!! hehhe

thank you for sharing and bringing some into my world right now! i love you weretwin!!!


I was wondering how you were doing i hear your area got hit so hard with snow storms of recent
Hopefully it clears soon and you and set from from a snow jail, I hope your not sufferign too badly from cabin fever, I know I am a little not due to being snowed in just for a variety of reasons havent been getting out for photo walks awhich is drivign me nuts well more nuts than I already am LOL

glad these photos gave you some relief :)

I havent seen adverts for the show you mention but it sounds a nightmare lOL