The salt flats are so cool! I am so glad you took us here! I have been to several, including dry salt beds in the desert. They are intriguing. In the US, there are several, one of them being in Utah where they use the dry lake as a racetrack although in the spring it has a seasonal closure as there is standing water or moist salt.
I love the tiles they made there! What an interesting way to collect the salt. It reminds me of the Mexican Saltillo tiles! I want to go to the one in Salar de Uyuni Salt Flats in Bolivia! Over 4,000 square miles! Just about the same size as the state of Connecticut.
Anywho! This post was supercool, woman!
The one on Gran Canaria we took some home and bought it right there. So fresh and it was so delicious in cooking.I like seeing them @dswigle. They are cool and can make some pretty pictures. Been to a few too. Even here on the mainland are several. But never large ones.
I saw rockets and fast car testing going over those salt flats in the US through documentaries Denise. How cool that area must be to see in real life one day. No resistance there and those machines gooooo soooo fast. Unbelievable.
O my… 4000 square miles 😳😳😳 wow… that must be amazing to see, even just a little part of it.
Hope you can visit it one day. Very cool! Didn’t know there were such large ones. Thanks for letting me know.
Thank you so much Denise, much appreciated 😎
Have a wonderful evening 😁👋🏻
I was in South America for a while when Covid broke out! I had to leave and go home as they were shutting the country down. I missed some very good opportunities, but, next time.
It is amazingly huge! There are actually 2 good ones that I want to go to in South America. Thanks for sharing your post!
The weekend is almost upon us!
COVID changed a lot of things in a very short time.
To bad you missed on that trip. There will always be a next time.
Great to hear. Which ones are the 2 you are referring to? In South America.
You are welcome, always Denise.
It is soooo close now. We can almost touch it 😉
Let’s celebrate Friday first and enjoy it. Hope you have some more you time and not to busy 👋🏻😁☀️
Looking forward to the #marketfriday posts 🤩