Photographylovers. Yellow Mushroom


Hello hive photography lovers community. Tonight I want to join this community, hopefully those of you who have long joined support me here.

So tonight I want to donate some of my photography about mushrooms. I took this mushroom at my house, namely on the bathroom fence, the bathroom in my house uses bamboo fences.
So the bamboo is wet every day when it rains so that some mushrooms grow on the bamboo.



This mushroom has a unique shape that is elongated upwards and has an attractive color. This mushroom has a length of about 10cm and this fungus grows on rotten bamboo stems. This fungus does not grow on wood, because this type of fungus often grows on bamboo stems, it can be said that this mushroom is a bamboo mushroom.

Mushroom is a type of plant that grows in damp places and on rotting wood and bamboo. Mushrooms usually grow a lot in the rainy season, like now in the rainy season and mushrooms that grow on rotting wood in the stripes of my house.






The process of taking this photo is very simple using a smartphone and using a tool, namely a macro lens. I use a macro lens because the objects I take are small, so if I use a regular smartphone, the results are blurry and unsatisfactory. That's why I use a macro lens so that the picture is good and can focus on the small object that we are shooting.



CameraXiaomi Mi A1
LensMacro 5,99mm
ProcessLens Macro
LocationIndonesia - Aceh