Caprichos de un Ave

in Photography Lovers3 years ago
Authored by @Andro

This beautiful photograph was taken in the patio of my house, I was amazed that, one day when I went to check the plants, suddenly, a very scared bird flew out flying quickly to escape from me. I could not understand or believe because it was the great fright of the bird that with its wings wide open saw me from the top of a tree, and suddenly it jumped on me, when I checked "what a surprise"there was a nest with an egg and a cute pigeon. I managed to understand what was the concern of that restless bird, it was taking care of its chicks, from that moment I was very careful and helped protect that home from those defenseless little birds, which had decorated my garden . Day after day, I went with my daughter to see the nest and the chicks, which were getting bigger and bigger, but there was a big problem, the nest was made in a bunch of bananas that also grew and grew.
and it was about to ripen, hahahaha, to be able to eat its fruits, and my daughter asked, Dad, are you going to cut the banana? How are the little birds going to do so small and defenseless? Where will they live? I replied, nature is very wise and although perhaps it was a whim of these birds, you'll see that everything will work out. So it was! The day came when the birds took flight, the ripe banana, we ate and enjoyed this beautiful anecdote. If you liked this story leave me your comment, Greetings from Venezuela

Está hermosa fotografía fue tomada en el patio de mi casa,mi asombro fue que, un dia cuando fui a revisar las plantas, de pronto, salio un pajaro volando muy asustada,volando rápidamente para escapar de mi. yo no podia entender, ni creer porque era el gran susto del ave que con sus alas muy abiertas me veia desde lo alto de un árbol, y de repente se lanzaba sobre mi , cuando revisé "que sorpresa" habia un nido con un huevo y un lindo pichón.Logre entender cual era la preocupación de aquella inquieta ave, estaba cuidando a sus polluelos, desde ese momento tuve mucho cuidado y ayudaba a proteger aquel hogar de esos indefensos pajarillos, que habian engalanado mi jardin. Dia tras día, iba con mi hija a ver el nido y los polluelos, que cada vez estaban mas grandes, pero había un gran problema, el nido estaba hecho en un racimo de bananos que también crecia y crecia y estaba a punto de madurar, jajajaja, para poder comer sus frutos, y mi hija preguntaba, papá,vas a cortar el banano?Como van a hacer los pájaritos tan pequeños e indefensos? Donde viviran? Yo le respondí, la naturaleza es muy sabia y aunque tal vez fue un capricho de estas aves, ya veras que todo saldrá bien. Y asi fue! Llegó el dia que las aves emprendieron el vuelo,el bansno maduro, comimos y dusfrutamos de esta hermosa anécdota.Si te gustó esta historia dejame tu comentario, Saludos desde Venezuela.