After a couple of sunny days, the rain reappeared today. In between the showers I had a walk around the local nature reserve. This area, which was once an old coking plant, has been transformed into a wildlife habitat. They continue to improve it by adding more and more footpaths to it.
I always like seeing the lovely silver birch trees standing in the distance.
A river flows beneath the railway bridge; however, access to the area on this side is restricted due to fencing that stopped me from getting closer.
I made a last-minute decision to visit the nature reserve as I drove past it. Unfortunately, I only had my mobile phone with me for taking photos. While walking around the area, I spotted a heron in the middle of one of my pictures. I will make a return visit with my long lens for a better photo. (I did go back, but unfortunately, the heron was nowhere to be seen). Typical!
There were just a few Canada geese on the pond, but they were quite noisy.
This section of the trail has recently been opened up. I walked up the steps leading to the sluice, enjoying the views from the top before retracing my steps back. Fortunately, the rain held off during my walk, resulting in an enjoyable walk overall.
That’s a nice walk among nature in dry weather. You should have made appointment with that big bird! He probably thought you were no longer interested in him!
Nice open sky with infinite horizon.
The heron always appears when I don’t have my long lens. They must know ... 😄
Taking a walk after the rain is definitely very enjoyable, especially as there is a different smell from the soil.
Oh, definitely. It can smell very earthy at times.