The last exhibition of the year brought some amazing artworks to the visitors and I can assure you, it was more than inspiring. You can read about the first part of my experience here. Today I'd like to show you some more amazing works, to those that are interested in art.
Krisztina Molnár - Old Town
In my last post, I showed you one painting from Krisztina Molnár, which was absolutely amazing. This one is just as amazing as the other one. Featuring old life is always fascinating and what makes this painting more valuable in my eyes is the gradient colors.
Mariana Serban - Wonder 2
The particularity of this painting is that the frame is also painted on. It's not unheard of, but not very common these days either.
Mariana Serban - Wonder 1
The same concept in different colors. This time, the person wondering is depicted in blue, with a very nice shadow behind. This allows the colors to be highlighted. It's a nice interpretation.
This was an amazing idea. There are two row of paintings from two different artists. The upper 3 are from Radu Florea and are called Salt.
The second row is from László Botár and the paintings have different titles, I suppose it's not a series. The titles are, from left to right: Under Pressure, Scar and Chance.
I don't know who's idea was to create this group made of the six paintings, but it's a brilliant one in my opinion. The overall picture looks great and would shine on any wall. If I were to choose between the two, I'd go with the upper row, the blue series.
What makes me like it so much is those lovely colors the artist decided to use and the concept is also an original one.
*Mircea Albu - Who Am I?
It's not the first time I saw this painting, I remembered I've seen it before, at the same gallery, almost at the same spot. It's indeed a mystery, what the artwork represents, but it's a good one.
Lucia Calinescu - Echos
This was where things started to get interesting. Again, what caught my eyes at first glance was the colors. Most likely you remember I said it before, that I'm not a huge fan of strong colors, or too colorful paintings, but this is different. What makes it different is the thin line and the mix of colors.
Now let's do an exercise. How would you paint an echo, if you'd be tasked with the job? How do you vision an echo? Can you vision it at all? I would paint it like a decreasing something in size, but that's how far I can go as I have no additional ideas. However, are you sure the echo is just one thing? I think the voice is multiplying as it is spreading, but I'm not sure.
Back to the painting, I can see the each color as one version of the voice, and all spreading in every direction. I love it!
Lucia Calinescu - Atlantis
Crina Stanescu - Column XXV
At first, I was expecting this to be a flower bouquet, but it wasn't.
Crina Stanescu - Column XXVII
It was an abstract series, but only two artworks were exhibited.
Alexandru Serban - The Gate 2
This painting gave me deja vu feelings. Not because I've seen it before, but because I've seen countless gates like this. This style is typical for Saxon regions and some cities, towns are lucky to still have a good few. One of such city is Medias, where there's the Johannes Honterus street, that connects the old, historical city center, with one of the bastions. This specific street has several gates like this as the inhabitants of the street were Saxons. Even the colors are a match. if you go to that street, I bet you can find a similar gate with similar colors. Unfortunately, just like Saxons in Transylvania, these gates have become a rarity.
Alexandru Serban - Barbarism
Looking at a painting and trying to guess what you see is always a game. Sometimes it's a struggle, other times it's fun, depending on the situation. When I first looked at this painting, the first thing that came to my mind was blood. I could see how blood is spread, not that I've seen such quantity of blood spread all over the place in real life. Then i looked at the title, which kind of confirmed what I thought. Having no experience in the matter, makes me believe the blood patter could be authentic.
Gábor Kentelki - Burning Colors
Perfect title for such an colorful creation in my opinion.
László Nemes - Island
This one was like a puzzle for me, that I will never be able to solve. I can see the island, no problem with that, but the rest ... It's interesting though and very original as well.
This is it for today and you know the drill. Let me know what you see, which one you like the most, if any :)

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Hello... a Thursday art walk. Great. I really like all these paintings but especially the ones by Krisztina Molnár and Mariana Serban. I really like about the latter the continuity she seeks to establish by integrating the frame to the work itself. It's funny, I don't think I've ever seen this before. I have so little pictorial culture. hahaha....
You know? I have never stopped to think about what kind of painting I like the most according to its artistic current. Do you have a preference? I think in my case that the one I like the least is realism, but it's not that I don't enjoy them.
I've never thought of it like that, but why not?
What Mariana Serban did is amazing in my opinion and something new to me as well. The process is usually the following: you create the painting and then you frame it. But in this case, the framing happened before finishing the artwork.
That's a very good question and to be honest, after all the exhibitions I've been to and all the artworks I've seen, I think it's safe to say, I don't have any predefined preferences. The amount of surprise I get each time I visit a new exhibition is immeasurable and each time there's a new stile I've never seen before and love. So, I don't think I can give you a straight answer.
Yes, I said that because I didn't go out yesterday. So it was my walk. An artistic one.
Wow! The paintings and artworks are all amazing and I so love them for being so lively and colorful. What a great moment to stroll around at a wonderful place like this. How I wish I was an artist but just an inch of pros and legends. Heheh. The abstract paintings were beautiful too!
Sometimes vivid colors look great, even if you don't really like them, right?
I wish I had some talent too, but we can't have it all, can we?
Truth, hehe. I believe each one is unique. Someone’s strength could be another person’s weakness. And I believe we have talents of our own although we can't have them all. xoxo
Hello @erikah, it's a colourful time, the paintings are very beautiful and only remind me of the colours of the rainbow, in different shades. Thank you for sharing.
I think you're right, you can find the colors of the rainbow in these paintings.
Your art work is beautiful, I will love to get one of them very soon
It's not my artwork and this proves you haven't even read the post.
Yes I have not read it in details. Am just wawoo about the art work. The beauty did carry me away.
Friendly advice as I see you're new and doing all the wrong things already. Get yourself together, learn how hive works, otherwise you won't last long. Hive is to use, not to abuse.
Ok, thanks for the advice
How did you find out about hive?
I did myself while reading online. I have been black listed after you reported me. Pleas can you help me get out of this problem I really want to give my best.
Only art lovers will understand the true beauty of all that art. Lovely artworks.
Most likely you're right!
wow, I can see this great painting again, even though you don't know who the idea is for the group of six paintings above, but I think this is one very brilliant idea and I am always interested in seeing this extraordinary work of art, you get it again, thank you @erikah for sharing, have a nice day.
I am not really an expert in paintings, I just like them for their colors and contrasts, I can interpret them in my own way and I think that for some painters that is their goal. I like the painting of The Door. Because it is more concrete. And I identify with your description of each of them. Nice pictures made by you. Thanks for sharing. Successes in this year 2024. 🥰
This is valid for most of us I believe. Very few can say they are certified experts.
Thanks for dropping by @mamani and Happy New Year!
Brother, you always stand out with the artwork! They do look beautiful ♥
Jorge my friend, I'm not your brother. Sorry.
Alexandru Serban - The Gate 2 is really good. I know it doesn't really fit the exhibit but I like it. I also like Krisztina Molnár - Old Town. The painting would be good but with the color its perfect. I guess my choices reveal my preference for a little more representational art.
Those are good picks and my favorites too. The good thing in art is that there's something for everyone, no matter what you like. As you see, there are all kinds of arts here and this is just a part of it.