Most of us love horses as they are not only beautiful but good companions/friends too, but unfortunately not many of us have the pleasure and the opportunity to enjoy their company. Big cities don't offer this pleasure, unless there's a mounted police unit in the city, but even so, those horses are not used to entertain and engage with people. They are used to being in the crowd and also used to extreme noise, but the police officers riding them will never allow you to pet them.
I was born and raised in the city, so just like many millions, haven't had much contact with horses. Nonetheless, I love and admire them every time I have the occasion.
Today I'm going to show you two beauties, that are guests in my dad's garden. Well, kind of 😁. The truth is, half of the land is rented out to a neighbor, who's engaged in animal husbandry. We don't need that land and it's better if it is used, than to sit unused. The neighbor is growing lucerne for the cows as with this drought, pastures can not fulfill the need. This means he's mowing the lucerne with his tractor and then let it grow again. However, this time of the year there's not much to mow anymore, so this is when he's bringing the horses there to have some fun.
This beauty is not new as I met her in the previous years. She's been brought there before and I had the chance to pet her in one of the years. If you haven't petted a horse before, you should know that the nose is the most fun part as it's so smooth. She's very tame and whenever there's someone around, she goes to meet the person. I suppose she's hoping to get something, if not, then just to get a good pet.
This time she did not come alone, there was another beauty with her, a black beauty.
Going there empty handed is not a good strategy. I wasn't there this time, unfortunately, so these photos were taken by my dad and he sent these to me. He brought the horses some leaves, but they were not interested.
Being on a field of lucerne is like being in a candy store, so they were obviously not hungry.
They were moving left and right as they pleased, one of the disadvantages of photographing animals. You can't tell them to stay put, can you? I mean you can but will they ever listen? I don't think so.
There's a trick you can use to lure them where you are. It's a dirty trick but works every time.
A bucket always seems to work magics. They know the bucket usually contains food, so whenever they see a bucket, they come to you. Imagine their surprise when they find out you used a dirty trick and went there with an empty bucket.
Can you see the disappointment on their faces? I can :) Poor horses.
If you thought this is the highest level of cuteness, you were wrong. Look at this cutie pie.
These cuties are of the other neighbor's and are just as curious as the horses.
When I'm there and these cuties are out to graze, I'm capable to watch them for hours. Usually I'm taking tons of photos. There was an occasion when the black beauty was out and was in the mood for posing for the camera. She had no idea how glad I was. Unfortunately she got sold since then. To tell you the truth, I was sick for one week, when I heard they sold her. I will never understand how can one sell an animal or pet and this is why I am not good at keeping an animal of pet. I get too attached.
Sooooo, this is not food but I'm asking regardless. Which one is your favorite?

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Cute and graceful at the same time. Stunning shots ;)
Thank you very much, courtesy of my dad :)
hmm I like both animals, and I have never seen with my two eyes a cow like the one in the picture there they have a body that looks tiny and legs are a little short, if I may know what kind of cow it is?
But I was a little traumatized by horses😊, where I once saw in the racetrack a horse racer fell in the middle of the track and was trampled by several other racers' horses and died on the spot.
Greetings weekend, I hope you are always healthy there.
I don't know what kind of cow it is but this one is a calf, a small one and the angle from where the photograph was taken may confuse you. However, i assure you it's a normal one :)
I don't like horse races and would definitely not like to witness an accident. Would break my heart. I'm sorry you had to see that accident.
They are the cutest little faces I have seen in a long time 🥰. Having a farm must be nice but sad at the same time 😞
They are adorable. That's why I don't do any work when I'm there as I'm spending time with them :)
Wonderful. like you said you were born in a city and not interacting much with horses. Of course, today is a good day for you because you can finally get so close to a horse. So do I, I really like horses because in my village horses has become part of my culture. My hometown has a culture that is very thick with horses, so every birthday of regency always makes a horse racing competition. The horse development there has been very good. In the past, the original Gayo horse was short but ran very fast. Now the method of crossbreeding with Australian horses has made the horses there very tall and often won national horse races. You can look it the news of horse gayo race here. Thank for sharing this @erikah .
I'm glad to hear you like horses too and that you have them in your village, they are really amazing. On the other hand, horse races are not my thing. I think horses should be left free :)
Lol, I just talked about freedom like a butterfly in my last post but here I talk otherwise).It is very noble @erikah. in the ideal desire, what you said is true. There is no one who does not want the freedom of every existing life, including horses life. It could be because the destiny of horses is like that, to be friends with humans, help them, and make them happy. On the other hand, humans must also take care of horses, breed it, and train its abilities. That's what I think and could be wrong. (
mmm... i'm not sure about petting horse's nose, it might sneeze and I'd get snot all over my hand 😖😭
Nope, horses don't do that darling, only humans are so evil 🙃
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That bucket trick was cold erikah💀I’m sure you taught it to your dad😂
Btw that cutie pie cow was making a “whatchu doing ma man🤨 ?” face at your dad there haha.
I can assure you you're wrong.
I seem to have fallen in love with the black horse already. I hope you don't mind if I say I have given him a name already. I cant tell if it is a male or female but if it was a male I will call him Falcon and if it is a female I will name her Lucy. 🤣
I seem to love the name Falcon because it is linked with Valverde(a real madrid player). He has been nick named Falcon because of the pace that his has. So my guess is that the black horse will have a lot of pace looking at his/her stature.
Black horses are beautiful and always attract a lot of attention. Lol, you can give them any name you want as it's fine. I would have never thought of Falcon, but if that's that comes to your mind, so be it :)
The cow does look very packed 😅
Optical illusion.
Is there such a thing, I just heard about it😅
Owww those baby cows are the mos cute thing i've seen
Are they friendly?
Yes, they are friendly and most of the times afraid of humans. They go away.
some of them get used to humans if you raise them from when they are babys
Owww.... I have no words... It is a post full of tenderness, they are wonderful animals.... I love how you talk about them.... Beautiful photos... I understand how you feel because that cute black beauty was sold.... :( That usually happens, I don't understand how it can happen either, but it is frequent...
I have loved this one!... How beautiful!... :)
Thanks for sharing!...
Thank you for the nice comment. You picket the beautiful one, this is so cute :)
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I like both but the horse is my favorite, I got to see cow most of the time but horse once in a while and I've never been close to them which I will love to one day.
I like animals and this cow look cute.
Horses are a lot of fun, if you know how to read them. I don't know a lot about them, but know how to spot if they are angry and protect myself. However, most of them are friendly.
I understand why you don't want to keep them because of the attachment ☺️ well I'm in that situation too but i don't have a horse nor do my parents rear one i just do see them once in a while when i go out.. i love cat , rabbits and so on like that . That aside you have taken the most beautiful pictures ever i will say that I've never see any cute horses like this before well probably because I'm a Nigeria i wonder if we have beautiful once like this 😂 if we do i will definitely want to see it one day.. I'm so glad seeing this i must say how i wish i can have one 😂.
Honestly all is my favorite they are so cute 🥰 .. thanks for sharing this beautiful cuties 😍 @erikah
We don't have animals either, but I have the occasion to see these in the neighborhood. And you're right, my heart is aching when I see them suffer and I can get very attached.
These horses are kept just for fun as these are not working animals, so obviously are beautiful and well treated. They have plenty to eat and always rested :)
I hope one day you'll have the pleasure to be around them :)
Ho i see the reason they are so cute 🥰
I will be so glad to pet them 🙂😊.
I am just like you Erika, in the city since I was born, and very rarely have I had contact with horses and cows.
Your dad sent you some amazing pictures of these animals socializing at the alfalfa candy store.
For a moment I sensed love between the black beauty and her companion, could it be that she is a mare?
Thanks for sharing. Here to see animals like these loose and happy you have to go to the countryside, and it is very far away. 💎
Thank you @janitzearratia, indeed the photos are great. I don't know if there's love between them, but they get along pretty well that is visible with the naked eye.
I really enjoyed watching the colors of the green meadow and the beautiful equine couple that as you say get along quite well, at least that's what they let you see in their courtship at a glance. Love is always in the air @erikah
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I really like seeing a pet horse that is so beautiful. Seeing it reminded me of when I raised a cow that was very similar to this horse.. but unfortunately my pet cow died from poison. But we don't know where the poison came from. We know that our cows died from eating poison.
For me, these beautiful horses are my love... and I also used to sit on a horse when I went to the city park, there were horses provided for visitors to be able to ride the horse.
I'm really sorry to hear about your cow. Must have been hard to digest. I would have cried for two weeks for sure.
There are riding farms here as well, where you can rent horses to ride, but I've never been to one.
regret, crying is definitely there. but it's something that happened that we can't go back to. only patience is ours
thank you sis
I much like the horses better. It's funny how I've mounted one and taken a ride even but never petted them, so the smooth nose info. is new info. Now I'm looking forward to seeing one again so I can feel for myself.
Your dad's shots aren't half bad by the way, man's got it 😀.
PS Are you a vegetarian?
I'm not a vegetarian, I can eat meat, but still can't stomach animal cruelty. I love them very much and could not see them suffering.
If you have a chance, please pet a horse, see how soft is the nose, you'll love it. And yeah, my dad took some great shots :)
😁 will do.
Your reply seems familiar. It's as though I've asked you the question before and you said the same thing.
Or maybe it's just deja vu.
Wow. All of them are cute. You can't resist petting them.
Exactly what I think :)
Looks like they are specially posing for camera. I love the close up pictures and wonder what they think about what is happening :)
Sometimes they are, you just have to work fast as they get bored and move on :)
They look at you, but I don't think they realize what is going on :)
They make me happy too and I'm always glad to meet them. Thanks for the nice wishes, I shall pass them along.
Good luck!