Lichen Photo Shoot

in Photography Lovers2 years ago

Lichen is an interesting creature of mother nature. I started paying attention to it a few years ago and I'm trying to take some photos, whenever I can. Taking good photos of lichen is not easy as these creatures are quite small. So what usually happens is that I take a lot of photos with my cellphone, come home and see that a good part of the photos are blurry and have to delete them.

Yesterday, on my way home, I saw a 50cm long branch on the ground, nicely covered by lichen. I knew this was my chance to do a proper photo shoot as I wanted to for a long time. Breaking branches is not my style, but if mother nature is handing me one over for free, I'm taking it. So I took the branch home and finally had time to take as many shots as was necessary to get the result I wanted. Most likely I could have done better, but I did my best.

For those of you who don't know what lichen is, here it is

A lichen is a composite organism that arises from algae or cyanobacteria living among filaments of multiple fungi species in a mutualistic relationship. Lichens are important actors in nutrient cycling and act as producers which many higher trophic feeders feed off of, such as reindeer, gastropods, nematodes, mites, and springtails. Lichens have properties different from those of their component organisms. They come in many colors, sizes, and forms and are sometimes plant-like, but are not plants. They may have tiny, leafless branches (fruticose); flat leaf-like structures (foliose); grow crust-like, adhering tightly to a surface (substrate) like a thick coat of paint (crustose); have a powder-like appearance (leprose); or other growth forms. source


My knowledge of lichen is very limited, but it seems like what you see on the photo is a Yellow Wall Lichen. Grows mostly on branches. Some lichens grow on stones, maybe I'm going to take some photos of those as well.


Although most lichens are shades of greenish or bluish grey, others are white, brown, black, reddish – even bright yellow or orange. These colours are caused by chemicals, often acids, produced by the fungal partner.

The bright orange yellow wall lichen Xanthoria parietina is a common, easily recognised lichen especially in nutrient-enriched sites. Look for it on trees and on many of the boulders in the Rock of Ages, where it benefits from the nutrient-rich droppings of perching birds. source


With this occasion I had the chance to try out different camera settings. When you don't know which option to use, you improvise.


I'm always in a fake it till you make it mode, I tried every option, from macro to food.


What I wanted to obtain was sharp images and a warm color. Most likely I failed both :)


To make my life even harder, I chose this bamboo placemat as background, that has some strait lines. I chose it for the brown color, not thinking of the consequences. Having those lines on the mat forced me to align the lines correctly. It's not a bad thing after all, just had to be more careful.









In case you're wondering how big the branch or the lichen is, here it is.



This is the lichen photo session. It was a lot of fun and I'm planning to repeat it as I need to practice more.

Do you know lichen? Have you ever seen any?

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:



Lichen and moss are the only two living things in nature that stay vividly green even in winter here in our part of the world so I take pictures of them quite often too. Btw I love your idea to actually take that branch home with you so that you can photograph it from the comfort and privacy of your home without being the weirdo crouching in the mud while trying to get the shots out there in the park :D I mean that´s what I usually look like and feel like when doing these close up shootings :D :/

If there's enough moisture, they survive.

I was so happy to find that branch on the ground, fully covered by lichen. I mean how many occasions are there? It was so good to sit down and take a hundred photos from different angles, change settings, apply filters and so on. You can't do that outside. People would have looked at me with suspension. Not to mention the mud 😂

Well, lichens usually thrive on dead wood rather than living trees so I think finding a branch covered with lichens is not that unusual, I see many of them in forests and even in city parks. It just never occurred to me to actually take such branch home for further inspection and photo shooting, that´s what I found cool about your experiment :)

Now you know 😏

Las primeras dos fotos creo que quedaron un poco quemadas por la iluminación pero las demas se ven muy bien, que bueno que viste la oportunidad y la hayas tomado, todo lo que son líquenes, musgo y hongos son un mundo oculto muy interesante tanto en colores, formas y texturas que muchas veces pasamos totalmente por alto.

It was not easy to get things right, due to the color and the settings, so I took a good few shots to try to get some decent ones. Lichen are interesting for sure and fungi too.


Not so long ago I came across a whole tree covered with lichen.

Wow, I've never seen so much lichen in one place. Thanks for the photo.

I'm always in a fake it till you make it mode, I tried every option, from macro to food.

I got a laugh here! you made nice photos with the trial-and-error method you used. Fake it till you make it mode worked in this situation.

I don't think I have seen a yellow lichen before but I have seen that of white and brown.

Thank you. The only way to learn something is to try new things.

This yellow lichen is the most common here, or at least wherever I've been.

Waw, that's an amazing photo, I was imagining, what it would be like if the moss was covered with snow like you shared earlier, it looks like it would look like an amazing masterpiece of nature

What you see here was definitely covered with snow but I did not have the chance to capture it.

oh yes, maybe next time I'll get snow on the beautiful ones in your photos

Beautiful photos and very interesting everything you tell.💚💛

Thank you.

Wow! These lichens are very beautiful. As explained, they are very tiny unless zoom or using magnification but it could be blurred. Your camera is very powerful that's why these lichens look very good. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you but it's a simple mobile phone, nothing fancy.



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