Today I'd like to share with you some medieval photos and a funny story. These photos were taken at the medieval fortress of Targu Mureș, where the city days are celebrated this weekend. It's a big event for the city and it's been celebrated each year since 1996. This means a weekend for the citizens, families, with fairs, exhibitions, face painting, medieval events, huge concerts, good food and a lot of fun.
While I was there, walking around, at some point I head the voice of a drum and saw these knights coming out of the bastion. I knew there will be something special, so I rushed there, trying to not miss whatever was going to happen.
After the knight with the white coat adjusted the helmet's and clothes of his small army, he started practicing with the drummer girl. It was so interesting, I've never seen anything like what they were doing. The night showed the girl the steps and the girl beat the drum at the same pace. I suppose this is called syncing.
In the meantime I saw there was a canon next to me, made of wood. I thought the cannon was there there all the time, so I took a photo and did not pay more attention to it.
Then the knight asked me to move away from the canon and asked everyone to keep our mouth open, as the sound is going to be strong.
Then the night loaded the canon with something and tried to light it. It wasn't an easy job as he needed a few ties with his torch, till he succeeded.
Here you can see the smoke coming out of the canon. Must admit, the canon was so loud, those who could not see what were did, and only heard the sound, must have sh*tted their pants.
Then he loaded the canon again, fired it and surprise, surprise, apart from the smoke, there were soap bubbles coming out of the canon 😂 That was so funny!
He fired the canon three times in total. I suppose it was some kind of ritual.
Then he positioned himself in front of his soldiers and they started marching, while the drummer girl played the drum.
The marching was nice but I kind of felt sorry for the poor drummer girl as these knight guys started marching so fast, the sound of the drum could hardly follow them.
I did not understand why they needed to rush the marching as it could have been nice if they could keep up the pace, but ...
Then I met the witch. She was busy talking to someone, which made me happy as i did not want her to offer me any elixir or cast a spell (I think that's how it's called) on me. Ok, this was a joke as I don't believe in these things :))
There were all kinds or swards and other weapons displayed, with a flag and two shield.
An here it was the big boss, whatever title he had and one of the servants was trying to pour out wine from a small wooden barrel.
These were fashion items you don't want to try on. When I saw these, the firs thing that came to my mind was, how much these would weight.
What do you think, is that belly real? I didn't dare to ask.
Last, but not least, here's a suit that was used in those days and a tool for punishing the naughty ones 😂. This time there was no one eager to try it out.
I hope you liked my medieval tour.

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Brother, greetings, what magnificent photos. I can imagine the emotion that you have felt, as well as all those present and I can also imagine that you were transported to medieval times, because that is simply the impression that everyone present must have felt. I can imagine everyone in the audience enjoying those festivities.
Greetings to you too. Indeed, these people did a great job in creating some medieval vibes. It was a great one for sure.
I'm glad you had a great time. In life, enjoying and feeling good is priceless.
very well written, its a fun and informative read, witch provides glimpse into medieval times. seems you had a great weekend :)
And the links in end are really helpful
Thank you! Indeed I had a great weekend.
I'm glad you liked the links.
What a fun way to take us backnto the medieval times. I giggled as I imagined the poor girl trying to catch up with the knights marching. 😁
They sure knew what they were doing and people loved it, including me of course 😃. Well, the lack of syncrone was not funny and I regret them not working out the steps and the sound of the drum properly.
This is quite interesting
You've got nice pictures too
Haha the belly is more than likely real 😂 Poor drummer girl. Hehe I would not want to put my head and hands in what looks like a chop block either.
Ewww, good thing I kept my mouth shut 😁, imagine the embarrassment.
This wasn't a chop block, this served for shaming people in public places for small crimes, like stealing, pick pocketing and so on, but who knows.