More Art Today

It's time for me to continue my art post series and take it seriously as well. It's more difficult to get back to it, but I know it worth the effort, so let's see what I prepared for you today.

One of the best ways to remember history is to preserve it anyway you can and artists have a huge role in this. So many times we see scenes, buildings on canvas, paper, or other mediums, that have long been demolished or destroyed.


What you see on the graphics above is the musical fountain in Marosvásárhely (Târgu Mureș), which was the city's "nationally famous landmark", between 1922 and 1911, when it was demolished and an identical copy was built in Budapest, Hungary, where it stands today. The scene is authentic and reflects the city center of those times. Apologies for the reflection, but you know how it is, this is what happens when you cover the artwork with glass.

Graphics is one of my favorite art form, I really admire those who are able to recreate and existing scene or something new by using only one colors lines and shadows and this piece is a wonderful one.


Speaking of using only one colors lines and shadows, look at the simplicity of this drawing, it has only a few lines on a cream paper, yet it's so expressive. Anna Szotyory, the artist sure knows how to express how she sees the world.


As I mentioned in my previous post, this was a solo exhibition of Anna Szotyory, but that doesn't mean you could only see one style or a limited collection of styles. The graphics above had no title, so I was standing in front of it and was thinking what title would I give to it, but ... to be honest, I don't know. Maybe a generic "Life" would fit here. The action takes you back a few centuries and maybe I see a princess, or someone of a noble origin, fragments of medieval life, but more than that ...


There are two ways to look at an artwork. One is from a certain distance, to see the whole concept and from close, to see the details and in most of the cases it's good to do both.


As I can't allow you to step closer to the graphics, I cropped it for you, to be able to have a better look. Trust me, it worth it as this one is a complex one and wonderful in my eyes as well. It is from 1997 - 1998.

I don't know about you, but I love it. It's a bit confusing at first, but if you take it frame by frame, so to speak, you see the meaning. I wish I could create an artwork like this one day, but I'm afraid that day will never come.


This graphics represents a part of a city and the surrounding area and that's what life was like back then. Chariots, people walking on muddy roads, fortress churches built on the top of a hill, to protect citizens in case of attacks. Again, look what a talented hand can do with only one color. It's amazing.



If I were to chose one favorite, this would definitely be the one. Look at how complex the graphics is and how many scenes you can count on this small paper. This is when i wish I could have an hour or two with the artist and ask her what was the idea behind this artwork and what it means to her.


I think I can consider myself lucky that I had the occasion to visit this exhibition as the style of Anna Szotyory is unique. This last drawing is like a huge puzzle, which is complete, all the pieces are at the right place, but you still have to figure out what it means.

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:



Good art needs no explanation, right?

I keep on zooming in to that picture... There's just so much in there.

Hello friend @erikah!... It's good to see the return of your art-filled articles that you find to share with us in #Hive!... You're back in your “fight with the crystal reflections” again! 🙂📷... You always make it fascinating and this article is a demonstration of how well you do it!... Thank you! 🙏


Wow...what a train of thoughts must run through the mind of this woman. I would think one would have to have some fierce imagination to get all of these images down on one piece of paper and into one cohesive art piece. There's so much to unpack here!


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(14/15) @jlinaresp tipped @erikah

Ohh! 🤩Nice art gallery @erikah, you know a few days ago they opened one in my city, then I'll make some post and stop by to take some photos to share in the community.

Very original, and abstract these paintings. Best regards my friend and excellent weekend !!!! 😊🙏🏻🤗


Good one

I see you're on a spamming campaign, dropping one or two word comments to get attention. I bet you don't even read the posts you're commenting on. You really think this is the way to do things on Hive? I would stop if I were you. If you have something meaningful to say, say it, if not, better do something useful.

Please teach me I want to learn.

Like you, I love graphics, and to those who target emotions through pen and paper, I say that although pen and paper can create text, here I mean drawing and painting.