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RE: "Is this art, or can it go?" - Interactive exhibition

Is that the only reason you wouldn't stick your opinion? Wouldn't you stick to participate? That's the point of the exhibition.

I know that's the point of the exhibition, but let me explain my pov better. It's one thing to say you don't like it, and a totally different one to say it must go. Just because I don't like it, it doesn't mean it's not good. Maybe I'm too dumb to see the meaning of it. Besides, imagine what the artist must feel seeing his work is considered garbage. How would you feel?

About the last one, the truth is, you can stand in front of it all day long, come up with different theories, views, name them as you wish, but God knows what the artist meant. I tried to enlarge the image and see what it says, and put together an explanation, but ... what for? Art is meant to bring something pleasant in your life. Would you buy this one? Would you have it in your room? Do you even like it? No? then what's the point, right?

Too bad i'll never get to ask the artist.

You can still run a search to see if you can find any info about it.