What an interesting exhibition! And you really did your homework as understanding and explaining what you see is not easy. Seeing what was exhibited is not a pleasant thing but I consider it a must, a wake-up call and this is the reason this initiative should go worldwide.
I spent the last ten minutes looking for a post I've read on Hive about the same topic. There was a similar exhibition in Athens but couldn't find the post. I'm going to try to find it tomorrow as I think you would like to read it.
Later Edit: found it! https://peakd.com/hive-155530/@orestistrips/walking-my-hometown-after-months-of-absence
The impact this fast fashion and other type of waste has on the environment is huge. Did you know that to dye one square meter of fabric 150L of water is used? Crazy!
Oh well, truth is bitter. If anything, this exhibition solidified my position on the debate of if it is an individual responsibility or a corporate responsibility. My answer is that its both. Corporate decision making is highly dependent on what brings profits to the stakeholders- which comes from individual consumers. So it has to be a hand in hand effort.
Thanks for digging out that post. Very cool to see that this message, in different forms, is making the rounds.
Don't go looking into how many gallons are used per jeans pant and per cotton shirt. GALLONS.