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RE: A Surprise Exhibition

in Photography Lovers • 2 years ago

Ciao, piacere di conoscerti e grazie mille 😀

I'm not an art expert either, I just go to exhibitions and admire what I see, take photos then share my experience on Hive. This was indeed a special one, as these are kids, basically young artists at the beginning of their career and you need to judge what you see accordingly, But I was really surprised as I loved most of the works.

Did Mattia recommend me? 😲


si si è stato proprio Mattia, mi ha parlato inizialmente di hive e di come funzionasse la piattaforma, e poi tra una cosa e l'altra mi ha mostrato il tuo profilo!

Benvenuto e fammi sapere se hai domande o se hai bisogno di aiuto.

Happy blogging :)