
in Photography Lovers2 years ago

Last week I went to do a photo shoot as one day was snowing. I believe it was exactly a week ago. We haven't had much snow this winter, so when the opportunity knocks on the door, I know it could be the only occasion, so I need to act fast and that's what I did. I went out to capture some beautiful moments, that lasted for a couple of hours, then most of the snow melted. There was a lot o slush after, which then became ice.

This week we have winter I could say, as temperatures have dropped to -12°C at night and it's a bit cold. I'm still not complaining as this is what winter supposed to be and even though there's -10°C when I leave in the morning, it's not the end of the world. However, on the northern parts, the ice is significant, so you need to mind your steps, otherwise gravity can put you to the ground and you may end up at the emergency room with some broken bones.


Although I wasn't the first visitor in the park that day, I was able to find a few places where the snow was untouched. I love fresh snow, which has no foot marks yet, but for that, you have to get there very early.

I saw this bench covered with snow and loved the scene. No one sat there yet. Are you surprised? I was not :)


Actually the whole thing was funny. The fresh snow looked like a nice cover, like what you have at home on your sofa.


I hope one day I'm going to have the chance to shoot some nice snowy scenes, but for that I suppose I need to go up to the mountains as the chances for some decent snow to happen here are slim to none.


This was another funny scene. The snow was quite thick, basically inviting you to plunge into the snow. We used to do that when we were kids, but not in this place. We had our own playground and we knew every inch of it even with our eyes shot, so there was no danger of hurting ourselves there. I know this place as well, so I know there are bushes beneath the snow, so you would definitely hurt yourself while plunging here.


Rose bushes were also covered by snow, which could be a good thing as snow protects the plants, but who knows. They say roses are sensitive, which may be true. But these are outside every single winter and survive anyway, regardless of the temperature.


Another bench nicely cushioned with a thick layer of snow.


And the melting show, that looked like ice as it was so wet.



It's not much, but this may have been the last snow of the season. The majority of it is melted already, there are spots here and there, especially in northern places, but that's all. Obviously there's no way to know now, but in my opinion, this is the winter we're getting. A couple of days of snow and one week of cold, instead of 2 or 3 months of snow accompanied by cold. Well, times are changing and so are we. We're adapting.

Life is short, make the most of it. Take action when it's time, otherwise you may miss it. Last year I had the chance to take some nice photos of individual snowflakes. This winter I was hoping I can repeat the photo shoot, but there was no occasion for that yet. This snow was wet and there were no nice snowflakes. Life is like that.

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Actually the whole thing was funny. The fresh snow looked like a nice cover, like what you have at home on your sofa.

It sure does and it looks so amazing, snow doesn't fall over here in my country so whenever i see pictures of it, i really appreciate it

Nice shots @erikah

Thank you! I wish I could send you some :)

Hehehehe don't worry i'd travel out of my country soon and i will get to experience it🙃

when I see the photos you share I feel like I'm somewhere else.. because it never snows in our country..its so amazing 😊🤗

That's the beauty of Hive, you get to travel without leaving your room 😂

that's right, you're right 😁🤭

Woahh.snow.. How I wish I can experience those things too. There's nothing like that here in the Philippines.hihi. but just the past month wherein the temperature in high parts in our country really drops to negative, there are cases of frost.
Maybe with the climate change, soon it will snow here also..

To experience snow, you would need to travel a bit as snow is not going to go to you, that's for sure 😂

Frost is a bit like snow, but you will never get much of it and it melts quickly.

That's my plan soon 😁.
I just hope that I'm not that old that time when that happens haha.

I’ve never seen actual snow before aside the one in my fridge.That’s mini snow for those of us who haven’t seen snow before.
I don’t like the cold so I don’t think I’d really like snow.

Those are some pretty nice shots you got .

You can get used to cold, trust me, you just need adequate clothing.

Having to wear a lot of clothes just to keep warm sounds stressful. How do you manage with that?

The snow on the trees reminds me too much of my University days where I first saw snowfall! Our campus was a beautiful decoration of green forest - and the snow on top added a serenity that is hard to put in words!

I'm glad you had the chance to experience what snow means of how it feels like. Many don't even know.

I’ve never seen snow before and I pity the people who will be around me when I do. I’m going to cause a scene, that’s for sure.

Even though you didn’t exactly get what you were looking for, you had some pretty decent shots. Your shots show me for the first time something I’ve been wondering. What snow looks like when it starts melting- I was hoping I’d get a shot of the place after the snow just completely melted to answer all my questions. Maybe in your next snow post?

We have foreign students in the country and have seen them acting like kids, out of control, when the first snow arrived. I bet they have never seen snow as those who are used to snow don't so such things.

When snow is melting, it looks like on the penultimate two photos. Slush is not nice though, especially when you have to walks in it, but it's part of the process.

Maybe I'll do a photo shoot for you next time, putting the two photos side by side to see, but can't promise anything :)

I’ll be looking forward to it:)

I love Snow fall, Enjoyed it once in my life. I remember the snow was sitting on the trees. Your post remind me of that memory. thanks for sharing.

Good thing you had the chance. Snow is fun, till you have to shovel it every day from the front of your house. I don't, so I'm lucky.

You and your bloody snow pictures...and here I am sweltering in the heat.

I know those who live with snow on a daily basis probably don't like it, especially if shovelling is required, but it always looks so inviting and nice to me. It snows here in parts of Australia, but not in my State (hottest and driest) so seeing snow is somewhat a novelty.

Good takes.

😂 Poor you, I can picture you melting in the heat.

Snow is nice indeed, but when you're isolated somewhere without any chance of getting to where you have to go, or you have to shovel it, it is not nice anymore. In big cities you don't face that challenge though.

Maybe you can travel to those colder areas when there's snow, have a weekend there :)

Poor you, I can picture you melting in the heat.

It's sort of like a really good quality chocolate melting. Glorious really.

Maybe you can travel to those colder areas when there's snow, have a weekend there

Nowhere in the Southern Hemisphere this time of year. I'd like to go back to New Zealand though, maybe later in the year.

New Zealand must be nice too.

It's an amazing place, I could live there. South Island though, not the North. 75% of the 4 million people in New Zealand live on the North Island...I prefer wide open (peopleless) spaces.

Maybe when you retire, you can move there 😃

Yep, when I'm 103 years old.

I love to see snow, but where we live it doesn't snow, and if we do, we have to go far. Walking in the snow has its own fun, one enjoys it a lot in such weather. People who live in such an area say that when it snows, life stops and even daily activities cannot be done and those who do not live in such an area say that we should live in the same area.

It depends how much snow is there. Life should never stop as there are means to clean the snow, but isolated areas may be in trouble sometimes.

Jamas he experimentado una temperatura tan baja, tampoco vi nevadas tan increibles como las que compartes en las fotos. Aca en Argentina recuerdo que en 2007 habia nevado en buenos aires lo cual fue super extraño pero hermoso aunque como la ciudad no estaba preparada hubo algunos problemas ajjajaa despues tuve la oportunidad de viajar al sur y presenciar una pequeña nevada de verano son dos recuerdos muy lindos que tengo respecto a la nieve.

Those areas that get hit by snow and are not used to it, can be in great difficulty. Cleaning the snow is a must and when you don't have the machinery, it's hard. The other thing that can be difficult when there's snow is driving. We're used to driving when there's snow or ice as it happens most of the winters, but those who have no experience ... God save them.

At least you have seen snow, which is a nice experience.

As someone who has never seen snow before, these pictures are very satisfying to watch. It kind of looks like inside my fridge when I'm broke. Lol

If I was there before you, I can promise you that you wouldn't see any fresh snow anywhere. I can not see snow like this and pass without scattering it. They look very beautiful

Lol, yes, I suppose if you live in Africa, your fridge or freezer is the closest thing to seeing snow.

We're used to snow, so scattering it is not a challenge. Foreigners do that, especially African students :)

yess🥰 my people never disappoint. Doing it for the culture 😂👍🏿

Hi @erikah! Beautiful winter photos, although with climate change nothing is the same as expected anymore.

Thank you! That is true but there's very little we can do, so we have to enjoy everything till it last.

You know that Indonesia doesn't have winter and it's always only rainy season and summer all year round. As an Indonesian citizen, I have never seen clearly how snow looks, I saw it for the first time in this post. It looks like shaved ice and is very white in color.

Yes, it is similar to shaved ice, but only when it's melting. Fresh snow is not so wet though and it's lighter. I hope you can experience snow one day.

Snow! not sure if I like it, Yes Ok when it is nice dry stuff and freshly fallen, Horrid when melting and slushy

Well, slush is never fun, no one likes to step into slush and get their clothes dirty, but it comes with snow :)

Yes everything has a downside alas

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Many filipinos are migrating to foreign countries to venture greener pastures. But, if ever I would be doing that too in the future, experiencing snow shall be one of my favorites.