Desecreting Angels!

Today i´m starting off with an angel statue that used to belong to a friend of mine, once things got sour due to she being a bitch and stealing from me to fund ehr crack use, i stole this statue of an angel from her, desecrated it, photographed it andsent her almost live...

She was "livid"

And then here an image of my neighburhood church... For good taste...

Lol, and apparantrly of the local gas station, that one slipped in there, but is staying strong!

Then 4 photographs of the same angle of a stairway

And this cubic formed "house" being built around here these dayz.

And this yellow pile of hope.

And the Socialist blocks, (all these are in same neighborhood same 500 square meters even.

So is this pile of building material!

And the blue container!

And this mushroom infected moldy piece of shi* "house" my family used to live in!

And finally, there is just something about a house getting "blown" that i couldnt resist posting today!

I hope you all have a beutyful secure and giving day, i will strife for it for myself and those around me!

Yours truly.


Mr Eythorphoto!