Not long after Kentucky became a state in 1792 they passed its first gun law, banning the concealed carrying of pistols. Nowadays anyone can carry concealed without a permit, I'm afraid we're running in the opposite direction from sensible.
No doubt, we need to get assault weapons off the streets. AK 47s are weapons of war they are killers. We just need sensible gun laws, background checks, red flag laws, and permits with proper training. Is that too much to ask?
I'm afraid that even if we could get that it'd still be a case of closing the barn door after the horse has done fled. We've already got more guns than people now and at this point you can 3D print ARs and AKs. I'll admit I'm a cynic and a pessimist, but as a practical matter I just don't see how you get assault weapons off the street. Even if the political will was there and the Supreme Court wasn't hostile, how do you close Pandora's box? I can think of nothing more likely to touch off a civil war than gun confiscation, and anything less isn't going to move the needle much. Then there's the whole other matter of handguns, which kill far more people than assault weapons.
Sensible gun laws would be nice, they would also be only a partial solution. In the likely event that we don't even get that, how do you build security in a nation awash in military-grade armament?
It's a damn shame. You can say that again. As you said at the beginning, love one another is something we can do but there's gotta be more than that that we can do as individuals. I just can't think of what.
Not long after Kentucky became a state in 1792 they passed its first gun law, banning the concealed carrying of pistols. Nowadays anyone can carry concealed without a permit, I'm afraid we're running in the opposite direction from sensible.
No doubt, we need to get assault weapons off the streets. AK 47s are weapons of war they are killers. We just need sensible gun laws, background checks, red flag laws, and permits with proper training. Is that too much to ask?
I'm afraid that even if we could get that it'd still be a case of closing the barn door after the horse has done fled. We've already got more guns than people now and at this point you can 3D print ARs and AKs. I'll admit I'm a cynic and a pessimist, but as a practical matter I just don't see how you get assault weapons off the street. Even if the political will was there and the Supreme Court wasn't hostile, how do you close Pandora's box? I can think of nothing more likely to touch off a civil war than gun confiscation, and anything less isn't going to move the needle much. Then there's the whole other matter of handguns, which kill far more people than assault weapons.
Sensible gun laws would be nice, they would also be only a partial solution. In the likely event that we don't even get that, how do you build security in a nation awash in military-grade armament?
It is a bummer and I agree how can this problem get solved when there is no real will to do so. Our whole system is corrupt. It’s a damn shame.
It's a damn shame. You can say that again. As you said at the beginning, love one another is something we can do but there's gotta be more than that that we can do as individuals. I just can't think of what.
Just follow your moral compass, take care of your own and hope we can influence others in a positive way. Keep your circle tight.